Chapter 12

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After he hung up, Lucas could feel his heart racing as he searched everywhere for the ring on himself.

"Lucas are you okay?" Riley asked.

"Oh uh..." he said while trying not to sound nervous "Yeah, I uh, think I left my uh, wallet at the restaurant."

"Oh really?" she said a bit surprised.

"Yeah, and uh I need to run down there real quick-".

Before he could finish, Maya came out from the elevator.

"And in the meantime you can talk to Maya" he quickly said as he went over to Maya as he whispered to her "Can I talk to you outside?"

"What's going on?" she asked as he turned to Riley.

"Uh, hold Riles I just need to talk to Maya real quick."

He then led her outside and made sure Riley wasn't listening.

"Okay what's going on?" Maya asked him.

"The ring is missing" Lucas said with a scared look.

"What?!" she gasped "How?!"

"This is how" he showed her the hole in his coat pocket.

"I knew you shouldn't of gotten this suit at that thrift store" she frowned.

"Well I need you to do me a favor, can you distract Riley while I go look for the ring?"

"I'll try."

"And is everyone else already taking care of the room?"

"I don't know if Zay is."

"Just make sure all the decoration is gone, I'll try to hurry back."

"So does this mean we wont be having any champagne?!" she asked just as he got in his car and drove off "I guess not."

When he made it back to the restaurant, Lucas went inside and saw that there wasn't much people left.

"Can I help you sir?" a waiter asked him.

"Yeah I think I left something here can I look real quick?" he asked.

"Go ahead."


He then went over to the table where he and Riley were, luckily there wasn't anyone at the table as he started to look on the floor, but he couldn't find the ring.

"Looking for something?" he turned around to see Charlie.

"Yeah and if you don't mind I'd like to keep looking" Lucas frowned as she went back to searching.

"Are you looking for this?" Charlie suddenly said as Lucas turned around and was surprised to see the ring box in Charlie's hand.

Lucas just sat there speechless as he tried to take the box back but Charlie pulled his hand away.

"Follow me" Charlie ordered.

Knowing that something bad was going to happen, Lucas didn't know what else to do as he followed Charlie into a nearby hallway where it was just them.

"I'm surprised you made it this far Friar" Charlie said as he opened the box and looked at the ring "And my what a pretty ring, must of been expensive, how much was it?"

"I don't know" Lucas said with a frown "My grandfather sent it to me, it used to be my grandmother's."

"Well that makes it more romantic" Charlie smirked "And it has purple on the side, how perfect for Riley."

"What do you want Gardner?" Lucas demanded "If you want me to break up with Riley, it's not gonna happen."

"I wasn't gonna say that."

"Then what the hell do you want? Money? Say whatever it is, just give me back the ring, it's very important."

"Of course it's important-" Charlie said as he looked at the ring "Just think, you were gonna give Riley this ring to show how much you love her, and that you're willing to spend the rest of your life with her."

"Yeah because that's what you do when you're in love" Lucas frowned "Can I have it back please?"

"Hold on there cowboy. If you really want to know what I want, all you have to do was ask."

"I did."

"I know-" Charlie smirked "I just like messing with you. I don't want money."

"If you want Riley you know that's out of the picture" Lucas frowned.

"I know Friar, that's why I need your help to hook me up with someone else."


"Missy Bradford."

"Missy?" Lucas gasped "Why her?"

"I heard she's gotten hotter, and she works at a company now. We talked a bit back in school, and I wanna see what she's doing."

"Couldn't you just contact her yourself?"

"I would but, that'll just take the fun out of blackmailing."

"Oh jeez" Lucas groaned as he rolled his eyes.

"But I'm serious Friar, just give me Missy's number, and I'll give you back the ring, it's that simple."

"Is this just one of your tricks?" Lucas asked with suspicion.

"Relax man, you know I can't get Riley back, so what's the point of tricking you anymore?"

Hoping that he was telling the truth, Lucas decided to go along as he wrote down Missy's number on a nearby notepad and handed it to him.

"Excellent" Charlie smirked as he took the paper and tossed to the ring to Lucas who caught it "See? That wasn't so hard."

Lucas opened the box to make sure the ring was there.

"So are you gonna do it tonight?" Charlie asked.

"I was going to-" Lucas frowned "But now you just made me loose my confidence to do so."

"Yeah that's what I thought" Charlie grinned "Hey what are you gonna do if she says no?"

"She's not gonna say no."

"Yeah but what if she does?"

"She's not going to" Lucas assured with a stern look.

"I'm just saying" Charlie shrugged.

"I love Riley, and she loves me back. I care about her more than anything in the world, her happiness and protection are my top priorities. And even if she does say no, it'll most likely be because she's not ready, but I know that she'll never say no because she's having second thoughts of our relationship."

"If you say so" Charlie shrugged again.

"By the way, if you show up at our wedding, you better know your blood type because you may end up lying in a pool of it."

"Haven't you made enough threats to me already?"

Charlie then pulled out a piece of paper.

"You know since you've already written a threat to me on the bill?" he frowned.

"I'm done talking to you" Lucas scowled as he headed off.

After making sure he was gone, Charlie pulled out his phone and started to call Missy.

"Hey Missy" he said when she picked up "It's Charlie... Yeah how are you?... I'm good... Hey listen, quick question, how would you like to sabotage a wedding with me?"

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