Chapter 18

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Later that night, everyone went back to Riley and Maya's apartment where they celebrated Riley's and Lucas's engagement.

"Alright I got more champagne" Maya smiled as she brought a bottle of champagne into the living room just as Josh entered with a shopping bag.

"Okay-" he said as he looked into the bag "I brought some chips, sodas, and for some reason a 3 Musketeers bar?"

"Yeah I'll take that" Zay said as he took the candy bar.

"Hey where's Riley?"

But before anyone could answer, they suddenly heard Riley shouting from the balcony outside.

"I'm engaged!" she shouted throughout the city "I'm engaged!"

"Yeah she's been doing that for 20 minutes" Farkle said as he turned to Josh "Did you hear her on the way?"

"Oh I thought that was some kid yelling 'I'm gay! I'm gay!'"

"No that guy moved" Maya said.

"Hey should we bring her in?" Smackle asked.

"No let her enjoy the moment" Lucas smiled.

"I'm getting married!" Riley shouted "I'm gonna be a bride!"

Just then someone yelled at her.

"No I will not shut up!" she yelled back "Because I'm engaged!"

The man then yelled something else as her jaw dropped.

"Oh yeah!" she yelled "Why don't you come over here and say that to me huh?! My fiance will kick your ass!"

At that point everyone's eyes widen.

"Yeah apartment 20!" she yelled "Apartment 20!"

"Okay-" Lucas said as he turned to Farkle "You get her in here."

He then turned to Josh.

"You bolt the door-" he ordered "And Maya I may need your bat."

After getting everything settled with Riley, they all gathered in the living room with their glasses of champagne.

"Thank you guys for being here" Riley smiled as she snuggled next to Lucas "I never knew this day would come."

"Oh I always knew it'd come" Maya put in "Although I thought it would happen years earlier but this is good too."

"So now that you guys are engaged-" Josh said "Do you know how you're gonna plan your wedding?"

"Not yet-" Riley said "Although should we have a themed wedding? Are should we just stick to a classic wedding?"

"Is it gonna be a cowboy wedding?" Smackle asked "Because if it is, I am not gonna be dressing up as Jessie from Toy Story again."

"Oh yeah that was funny-" Farkle chuckled "You had to wear that for your little cousin's birthday party, and that kid dressed as Woody wouldn't stop hugging you."

"We don't know yet" Lucas spoke up "We just got engaged a couple of hours ago, we have lots of time to plan things out."

"But until then, you know what we should do?" Riley suggested "Why don't we all go out to the karaoke club?"

Everyone agreed as they headed out when Zay stopped.

"Hey where did the rest of my candy bar go?" he asked.

"You ate it all" Maya said.

"I was afraid of that" he sighed as he headed out the bar, just as she took out his haft eaten candy bar and ate it on the way out.

After the club, everyone went back to their apartments where after getting ready for bed, Riley sat at her desk as she admired her engagement ring.

"You know what shoes would go great with this ring?" she asked Lucas who was already in her bed "Diamond shoes."

She then turned to Lucas who then rubbed the empty spot next to him.

"If you know what I mean" he smirked.

Riley gave a small giggle as she crawled into bed and snuggled against him.

"Well Lucas-" she smiled "We made it this far."

"Next up-" he smiled back "Actually getting married."

"I always dreamed of getting married to the right guy, and now, I'm one step closer to achieving it."

"Hey uh, question, after we get married, that usually means that we move in together, so am I gonna move in with you or you with me?"

"Oh wow" she said surprised "I never thought of that."

"Should we talk about it tomorrow?"

"Oh yeah. But right now, I'm gonna go back to admiring my engagement ring."

"Are you ever gonna go to sleep?" he chuckled.

"I can't sleep with this piece of rock right in front me" she smiled while still staring at the ring.

"Okay then, suit yourself, I'm going to sleep."

And with that he closed his eyes and went to sleep. But at that point Riley looked away from the ring and at Lucas, she gave a small smile as she took off her ring and placed it on the nightstand as she turned off her lamp and snuggled against him. She could feel his strong arm wrap around her as she hugged back.

"My fiance" she whispered with a smile.

"My fiancee" he whispered back with a smile.

Well that's all for this story, but stay tuned for the next book "Girl Meets Wedding" that will be coming soon :)

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