Chapter 17

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Riley could feel more tears pour out as she stood up as Lucas came up to her.

"Hi" he smiled.

"Hi" she smiled back with a sniff as he put his hands on her arms and kissed her forehead "What did you think of that video?"

"It's beautiful" she sniffed as she couldn't stop crying.

"Okay you're starting to make me cry now" he chuckled as she gave a small laugh.

"Riley-" he said as he could already feel his eyes start to water "Ever since I first learned what the word 'love' meant, I've wondered when I was going to find the girl who would show me what it was like to be in love. And then when I met you, I finally knew what it was like, and falling in love with you was the best feeling I've ever felt. And-".

He tried to speak, but he found himself choking on his words as tears dripped down his cheek.

"Wow this is a lot harder than I thought" he said with a sniff.

Riley gave a small giggle as she put her hands on his cheek and used her thumbs to wipe his tears away. He smiled as he held onto her hands and pulled them down while still holding onto them.

"I don't know what I would do without you" he continued "You mean the world to me, and I don't care if people say you're too child like or weird or things like that, you're not any of those, you're Riley, sweet, unique, fun loving, beautiful Riley. When I first came to New York I didn't think I would fit in, but you helped me through it, and because of that I was able to fit in, make friends, and fall in love with a city girl."

Riley couldn't stop smiling and sniffing with tears of joy as he continued.

"I didn't take me long to say those words in that video, everything I said came from my heart, and I meant all of it, from never stop loving you to seeing my future in your eyes, I meant it all. You are the best gift life has given me, you inspire me, you make me strong, you're always there for me, and you never stopped believing in me."

He then felt more tears pour out as he sniffed.

"I love you so much-" he smiled "That's all I could say now. But before I continue, I need to ask, are you worth it?"

Riley gave a small giggle.

"Of course" she sniffed with a smile.

"Great" he smiled as he sniffed again "Because there are some moments that you're going to remember forever, this is one of them."

And with that he reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring box as he got on one knee as Riley burst into tears again while smiling big with her hands on her heart.

"Riley Matthews-" he said with tear stains on is cheek as he opened the box to reveal the ring "Will you marry me?"

With her hands still on her heart and tears still in her eyes, Riley gained up her confidence.

"Yes" she smiled.

Lucas smiled big as she fanned out her fingers and he slid the ring onto her ring finger. And with that he got up as they went into a kiss and wrapped their arms around each other and into a big hug. Both of them were feeling the same things, joy in their hearts, tears in their eyes, and their love bursting with fireworks. Neither of them wanted to let go of this beautiful moment.

"Hey can we come in now we're dying out here?!" they suddenly heard Zay call from outside the door.

"Come in!" they called as the door opened and everyone stepped in.

"So?" Maya asked with a smile.

"We're engaged!" Riley and Lucas exclaimed as everyone screamed and cheered as they all gathered in a group hug.

"Oh my God!" Maya exclaimed "I knew she'd say yes!"

"This is the least jealous I've ever been of you guys!" Smackle cheered.

"Where's all the damn tissues?!" Zay cried as he threw an empty tissue box on the floor.

"Can I see the ring?" Maya asked as Riley held out her hand.

"Maya you've already seen the ring hundreds of times already" Lucas said.

"I know, but not on Riley's finger."

"You know the ring came from Pappy Joe?" Farkle said to Riley.

"It did?" Riley said surprised.

"Yeah" Lucas smiled "It used to be my grandmother's, and he sent it to me in the package, because he knew that you were the one for me, you're like my sack of gold."

Riley gave a smile as she felt herself blush.

"Well tell Pappy Joe I said yes" she said.

"Hey Lucas-" Josh said "What about this other surprise you have?"

"You know the one that's not Beyonce?" Zay said a bit disappointed.

"Well this surprise is just for Riley-" Lucas said "But if you wanna know what it is, then let's go to our old middle school."

"We have to go back to school?" Maya whined.

"The surprise is at school."

"Oh, right."

When everyone made it to John Quincy Adams Middle School, they went inside where they followed Lucas into the empty gym.

"Man I hated this place" Maya grunted while looking around the gym "So glad I'm done with it."

"So where's the surprise?" Riley asked Lucas.

"Right here" he smiled as he turned to an open door and gave a whistle.

And at that point a white horse with a saddle entered the gym as everyone stood their surprised as they turned to Riley who had on a surprised but happy look as she could feel her eyes start to water again. Lucas went over to the horse and got on it as he steered it towards the group and held his hand out to Riley, she took it as everyone helped her onto the horse behind Lucas who then pulled out her old princess headpiece and placed it on her head.

"You ready for the next step princess?" he asked with a charming smile.

"I am" she smiled back as she wrapped her arms around him "Look at us."

She laid her head on his back as everyone watched with smiles as they rode away on the white horse, now as an engaged couple.

Last chapter coming next

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