Chapter 16

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"Hi Riley" Lucas smiled when his video started "You probably already know what's going to happen, but before I get into that, I want you to know that from the moment I first laid eyes on you, I couldn't imagine a day without you. Now I don't believe in coincidences, I believe that coincidences is the universe's way of telling you something, and what were the odds that you would fall into my lap on the subway that very day? It's always been you Riley, it's always been you since day one.

After I met you, I wanted to know more about you, and that's when we had our first real conversation in the library, I told you about my dream and you told me about yours, and at that point, I knew that I wanted to be with you. Because my favorite thing in the world is when you talk to me, and you know I'll let you to whoever you want because I'm your Secure Western Hero. But the important talks, the ones that we're going to think about and always remember, we kept those between you and me, and every time we had one of our important talks, the more I fall in love with you all over again."

Riley wiped her tears away as she continued watching with a smile.

"Then came along Missy Bitchford" he continued "You remember the first time she flirted with me and you got all jealous, I gotta say, you're cute with your jealous, because that shows that the girl I wanted to be with was standing right in front of me, and I can't believe I allowed myself to get pulled into Missy's charm. You even got yourself into detention for me, that showed how much you cared for me, and it worked.

After that you and I along with Maya and Farkle went to the movies, and during a scary part you grabbed my arm, and you didn't even know you did. I always knew you were adorable, from the moment you booped my nose to grabbing my arm, I realized you weren't like other girls, and I guess that's what attracted me to you. You're unique, funny, loyal, beautiful, confident, you're Riley, and you never stopped being Riley.

We went together to the school dance where we shared our first dance together, and we did the same thing at Prom, I stared into your pretty brown eyes in your purple gown as I we danced to 'I wont give up' by Jason Mraz, and during that moment, I never wanted to let go of you, I never wanted the moment to end.

And speaking of moment, Farkle kind of stole my moment with you, even though he missed. I was about to have my moment with my Juliet when he got in the way, I forgive him though, but ever since that night, I promised you that my moment would be my moment, and I waited for the right moment to make that happen. When you said 'I do', my heart jumped with joy, it was one of the best feelings ever.

Now we've been through some tough times, such as the time during the elections for class president. But we always find a way to turn a bad time into a good one, my home may be in Texas, but my heart will forever stay in New York, because it's where you are, and I would do anything to be by your side. And that's why when I finally got the courage, I asked you out on our first date and we shared our first kiss. And after that it was awkward for us being a couple, and I had to agree, but that didn't mean I stopped hoping, hoping that one day we'd get back together, and make it official.

Now you know I've been in love you since me first met, and the reason I never said anything before was because I was afraid you would find out about my past and you wouldn't want to date me. But then Zay came along and you found out the truth, and at that moment I thought I lost you. But then I realized something, I used to be different that I was before, and it was because I met you, you made me a better person, and I owe all of that to you.

Now I can keep going on on all the memories we've shared both good and bad, but I realize it's too much. So now I'm gonna cut to the chase, I know I'm not perfect, and I know that we're not perfect, but there's no such thing as a perfect relationship. There's always gonna be ups and down, but during those ups and downs are what makes up stronger, and no matter what happens, even during the time we were broken up during college, I never stopped loving you. You are the reason I stay up at night thinking, you're the reason I came back to New York. And if it wasn't for you, I would of never survived in New York, I would of never done what I thought I couldn't, you're really important to me, and I'm lucky to have you in my life.

I never want anything bad to happen to you, your happiness and protection are my top priorities. I'm always gonna be there for you, and if anything does happen to you I'm willing to take care of it for you. I love you Riley, I love everything about you, even your flaws. Promise me that you'll never change who you are, because I fell in love with the real Riley Matthews, and just like how you still believe in Pluto, I believe in us.

Relationships are about two people who make good choices to come together by themselves, of their own free will at the right point in time. I know that because ever since you fell onto my lap on the subway, I knew right then that you were the girl I was gonna marry someday. And the time you caught that bouquet from Maya, I saw my future in your eyes, my future with you. I told you that I was worth it, and now I wanna know if you're worth it."

And with that the video ended.

"So are you worth it?" Riley turned around to see Lucas leaning against the wall with a smile on his face.

At that point she knew this was it, this was the moment.

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