Chapter 5

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Later that day, Lucas and Maya met up with everyone but Riley in her apartment.

"So what's going on?" Josh asked as they all sat on the couch.

"Yeah what's this big announcement you have?" Farkle asked.

"And please make it be a good announcement" Smackle begged with frustration "I had to deal with things that have made me so mad today that I just wanna punch someone!"

"Everyone stand back she's gonna blow" Zay warned with his eyes widen.

"First this bratty kid ate my lunch when I wasn't looking!" she put in "Then this bitch told me that this shirt I'm wearing makes me look like a librarian with no life! And now I have a large back pimple that I can't pop!"

She then started to life up her shirt.

"Would someone please pop it for me?" she asked.

"No!" everyone screamed before she could take her shirt off.

"Fine" she grunted.

"Are you done?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah I'm done" she said now calmly.

"Okay" Lucas smiled "Everyone... I'm gonna ask Riley to marry me!"


"Uh, did I hear what sounded like you were going to ask Riley to marry you?" Farkle asked a bit surprised.

"Yep" he then pulled out a ring box and showed them the ring "Here's the ring."

"Oh my God" everyone gasped as they all surrounded the box to get closer to the ring.

"So you two are really serious" Zay said surprised.

"... Yeah" Lucas said a bit dumbfound "Pretty much."

"You're gonna get married?" Josh said surprised with a smile "We're gonna be in laws."

"And I'm gonna be her aunt!" Maya exclaimed.

"Not yet Maya" Josh told her.

"Oh right" she said with realization.

"I can't believe this is happening" Zay smiled "I think I'm gonna cry."

"Can I see the ring?" Smackle asked as Lucas handed it to her "Wow, one and a haft carats, it's perfect."

"Where's all the tissues?!" Zay cried as he threw an empty tissue box on the floor as he sobbed.

"Where did you get the ring?" Josh asked.

"Actually, my Pappy Joe sent it to me in the package" Lucas answered "He knows that Riley's the perfect girl for me, and thanks to him, I saved a lot of money."

"I always knew old people were romantic" Smackle smiled.

"Well you're right about that" Lucas smiled back "The ring used to belong to my grandmother."

"Oh that's so romantic" Smackle smiled with her hand on her heart "Riley's gonna be wearing a dead women's ring, can this get any more sweeter?"

"So do you know how you're going to propose?" Farkle asked.

"I don't know yet" Lucas said "I've been having a hard time choosing how. I mean should I do it on the subway cause that's where Riley and I met and had our first kiss? Should I do it at her mother's coffee house? A fancy restaurant? Should there be flowers and candles? Guys please help me."

"Don't worry man" Zay assured "I know the best place for you to go to help with your proposal?"


"No the internet."

"He's not using the internet" Maya put in "He needs to figure this out on his own, and in the meantime, I wanna try on the ring."

"Oo I'm next!" Smackle raised her hand.

"No one is trying on the ring but my girlfriend!" Lucas announced "I just know that if one of you puts it on, it's gonna stuck, and it's gonna make a big problem. I'm gonna be holding onto the ring until it's time."

"Wait you asked Cory for his blessing right?" Josh asked.

"Yeah that's why I was late last night, I was asking Riley's parents for their blessing. And then Cory gave me this long talk about Riley before he finally said yes."

"I still can't believe this is happening" Farkle said with a smile "It's official, Rucas is canon!"

All of a sudden the door opened as Riley stepped in as Lucas quickly put the ring and the box behind him.

"Hey guys" she smiled.

"Hey..." they all chorused and waved.

"You're home a bit early" Maya put in.

"Oh yeah we had to close up early cause we had a mice situation, apparently someone dropped their muffin on the floor and didn't bother to pick it up."

"So that's where my muffin went" Zay whispered to himself.

"Anyway I have the rest of the day to myself" she added as she went into the kitchen "What about you guys?"

"Oh uh..." they all said "I don't know."

"Actually" Maya suddenly spoke up "Now that you're here, can you run some errands for me?"

"Why can't you do it yourself?" Riley asked.

"Because uh... I know that I'll always forget what I wanted to buy."

"That's true. Well okay then, I'll be back soon."

And with that she headed out.

"Okay people" Maya said "Now would be a good time to help Lucas with his proposal. So Huckleberry, I was thinking that you should take Riley out on a nice fancy date, and then you guys come back here, have some champagne, and instead of proposing a toast, you just propose."

"That sounds like a good idea" Lucas agreed "But what would be the reason for taking Riley out? I feel like we should only do that if it's for a special occasion."

"There shouldn't be an occasion, just take her out to show your love."

"Yeah Maya's right" Farkle put in "You and Riley haven't been on a fancy date for a while, and since you both will be working hard this week, I think you both deserve a break."

"Yeah" Lucas agreed "You know what I think that'll work."

"Alright then" Maya smiled "Let me just call Riley and tell her what she needs to buy and then we'll got on planning."

"Oh can you tell her that she needs to get more tampons?" Smackle asked.

"Uh, what about the ones at your place?"

"You do realize that we all spend most of our time here and not at our own places right?"

"Oh that's true."

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