Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

*Brooke’s POV*         

I played the G chord incorrectly because I knew Shawn would help me. He helped me by placing his hand on mine. Sparks flew. It was amazing. He took his hand and placed it on my cheek. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. He started to lean in and so did I, until we heard a voice.

Voice: What the hell do you think you’re doing?

          I turned around to see my ex-boyfriend, Hayes. Oh crap.

*Shawn’s POV*

          What the hell was Hayes doing here? He was supposed to be asleep.

Hayes: What are you doing?

Brooke: Hayes, you broke up with me, we are over. I don’t like you!

Me: Wait, you dated Hayes? Why didn’t you tell me?

Brooke: I didn’t think he would be on the ship. Hayes, leave NOW!!!

Hayes: No…

Me: Hayes, I think you should leave

Hayes: Fine. I’ll leave. But Brooke, if Shawn breaks your heart, I will be here, waiting.

          Hayes left the room and Brooke started to cry.

Me: What’s wrong?

Brooke: Well, Hayes and I were together for a while, but something happened. We kind of went our separate ways. I was a band geek and he became ‘popular’ because he is vine famous. After Hayes found out that I was playing instruments, he broke up with me. I was hurt, but I’m guessing he wasn’t. Because the next day, he was with this 9th grader named Jordan and has been dating her ever since. He was my first boyfriend and I don’t want anyone to do the same thing. But, I have been clean for almost a year now and Hayes and I haven’t talked since. That’s why my older brother, Alex, is so overprotective. He doesn’t want to see me hurt or hurting myself.

Me: Brooke, you are beautiful and I would never hurt you. Even if you did cut, I wouldn’t break up with you. Brooke, I know we just met, but I feel like I’ve known you forever. Can we pick up from where we left off?

          Did I really just say that? Crap. She nodded and we both leaned in. I kissed her and she kissed back. It was like the Fourth of July, but the fireworks were bigger and brighter. And I think I love her.

***Author's note: I really hope that you guys enjoy my fan fic. it's my first. now this next part gets interesting...***

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