Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

*Brooke’s POV*

          I got another note, but it wasn’t anonymous. It was from a girl named Juliette and she was on the ship. I don’t know what she looks like or how old she is. She scares me. I turned to Shawn and he had open arms.

Shawn: It’s going to be ok. I promise

Me: How do you know? I’m going to be on this ship for a month and every day, I have gotten notes. What if this gets really bad, Shawn? You won’t be there to protect me. She could kill me for all I know.

Matthew: Hold on. I met a girl named Juliette in the lounge. I could try to get in contact with her. Then I could bring her back to the room when you guys are all here and we could talk to her.

Nash: She said in the note she is watching us at all times. She could be hearing this right now.

Hayes: Let’s all be quiet and Matthew can write the rest down and explain it to Brooke in the morning.

Me: Good idea. I am going to go to bed. Shawn, will you walk me back to my room?

Shawn: Okay.

          Shawn put his arm around my waist and we left his room. We started to proceed to my room when we heard an announcement.

          ‘Remember, tonight is the teen dance at the dance lounge at 9 o’clock. A special message from anonymous: Brooke remember, be careful. You don’t know what is about to come. That is all. Have a nice night.’

          I looked over at Shawn and he didn’t look back at me.

Me: Shawn?

Shawn: Go away, Brooke

Me: Shawn wha-

Shawn: I said GO AWAY!

          I started to run. What took over him? I looked back to see that his eyes were red and he started to chase me. I ran faster and faster until I reached my room. I slid my key in the door and ran inside. The door slammed in Shawn’s face. Alex was in the room and asked me what happened. All I could respond with was this:

          “Shawn is what happened.”

***Author's Question: Do you guys like my story?? Comment what I should add. Luv you guys <3***

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