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Bad memory
Happy memory
I wrote this while listening to the song so I recommend playing it while reading.

Nathan's pov
"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUCK" I yell at the top of my lungs until my throat starts to burn, I take another shot from a bottle in a brown paper bag.

"Nathy" y/n kisses my neck to try and wake me up.
"Yes love" my eyes are still closed but I know she's staring at me and smiling.
"Can we go to the two whales I want pancakes" she kisses the tip of my nose.
"But baaaby I'm still sleepy" I whine just to bug her.
"'ll be my best friend" I lift one eyebrow.
"I thought I already was?" I open my eyes and look at her. god she's beautiful.
"Well you are but don't you want to be my best best friend...for life" I kiss her
"Fine you're lucky I like you"

"The Icarus has flown to close too the sun" another shot
"I thought I was okay, I thought what I was doing was okay. All I was doing was pushing her away, I thought she was okay. She promised to never leave me." I close my eyes

"Nathan I'm trying to help you"
"No! You're just trying to control me" Tears begin to form in her eyes but I'm too drunk and high to care.
"Please...just come home" she grabs my arm
"Fuck off!" I push her away

"NATHAN YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT" I throw the empty bottle into the trees below. I hear it smash.

"Yum" she stares at her plate of pancakes and bacon.
"After we eat want to go to the spot?" She stuffs her face full of food when I ask her.
"Why do you always ask me questions when I have food in my mouth babe" she says a little muffled.
"I asked before and you put food in your mouth after I finished asking" what did I do to deserve this angel. She finishes chewing and swallows her food.
"Okay fine, and of course I want to go"

"YOU FUCK UP" My legs give out under me and I trip over a rock, tears are threatening to fall now. I hold my breath to stop myself from screaming.

"Nathan! Please just listen to me"
"Leave me alone I'm having fun" I laugh
"You're wasted Nathan" Her voice cracks
"I said fuck off if you are just going to be a controlling dick then I think we should break up" I'm yelling
" don't mean that" Tears are rolling down her cheeks.

"The only girl who gave you a chance" I punch the ground next to me multiple times.

"How is it so beautiful here Nathan?" She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me.
"It's not as beautiful as you" she rolls her eyes and blushes.
"I love you" My heart beats faster and my stomach does flips, that was the first time she's ever said that to me.
"I love you too, y/n...more than you know"

A grey bird flies above me and disappears over the trees.

"I mean it....I'm serious y/n" I'm fuming
"Please, let's just go home and talk things over I'm not going to leave you" She steps towards me

I stand up and start to set up my camera tripod.
I turn on the timer and light a joint.
"This was her favourite place to take pictures of"

"Don't touch me!" I start to sober up so I chug another beer

I click the capture button and sit on the edge of the rock.

"Are you seriously breaking up with me?!" She's crying now
"Yeah...I am...I never want to see you again" I turn away from her
"Fine...goodbye, Prescott" She backs up and runs out of the room.



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Nathan Prescott imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now