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Nathan's thumb is caressing the side of my hand lightly. He looks really stressed and tired, his puffy red eyes are being swallowed by dark circles. I try to readjust the way I'm laying but it's nearly impossible to move with a full leg cast on. He looks at me a bit worried.
"Are you okay?" His voice sounds a bit course.
"Just a bit uncomfortable but I'm okay" He weakly smiles at me and squeezes my hand.
"Are you okay, Nathan?" I think he's taking this harder than I am.
"Not really" I'm not sure how to comfort him, I can't exactly stand up and give him a hug.
"Talk to me Nathan...please?" I hate seeing him like this.
"Why aren't you mad at me?" He says clearly angry.
"What do you mean"
"This is all my fault y/n I'm the one who sent you to get the weed if only I gotten off my lazy ass and done it myself it would've been me in this hospital bed and not you!" I try to sit up but fail so I just prop myself up on my elbows. Nathan stands up and walks to the other side of the room.
"You did not cause that drunk driver to ram into me Nathan it was just a stupid accident" My head begins to ache, so I lay back down and close my eyes.
"I wish I was the one who got hurt you don't deserve to be hurting right now" He sits back down and carefully holds my hand.
"I'm fine-" He cuts me off but he doesn't yell.
"You're not fine, y/n" I don't say anything. I just look at his hand holding mine.
"You're the only good thing in my life...I know that sounds cheesy and stupid but it's true and if I lose you, I won't know what I would do without your laugh and your smile and your kisses" He puts his head on the bed beside my leg, I put my fingers in his hair.
"I love you y/n"
"I love you Nathan" We both say I love you at the same time.
"Jinx" He weakly smiles and brings my hand to his lips.
"Just be a little mad at me"
"I can't Nathan but I am mad we didn't get to smoke that weed"

A wee little thing I wrote before bed. Sorry about being MIA for a couple weeks.

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