Chapter XXX: Angels and Demands

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"What you can do is tell us what you did," Emma demanded as she slammed her hands on the counter.

Dean watched as Emma transformed from sweet, blushing Emma to bailbonds Emma in just a few steps between the door and the counter. He was actually very impressed by her intimidation and almost forgot that he had an interrogation job to do.

Mr. Gold wasn't going to play along, however. "I'm sorry. You're gonna have to be more specific."

"You know damn well what we're talking about," David spoke up and Dean finally had his back in the mission. He glared at Gold as the evil lizard took a glance between him and David.

"You double-crossed Emma, you took her potion from her,"

It was Dean's turn to speak up. "And not to mention that very discreet fog of purple whatever that covered the town right after the curse broke. I'm sure you know nothing about that."

"And worst of all, you risked Henry's life. And Sam's." Emma wrapped all the man's crimes.

Mr. Gold sighed, "Well, that is quite a litany of grievances, now isn't it?"

"Maybe I don't need answers," Emma growled, "Maybe I just need to punch you in the face."

Dean couldn't help the smirk that spread across his lips. Now, more than ever, he understood when he said that the pair were so much alike.

Mr. Gold chuckled, "Ohhh. Really, dearie?" He started to move from behind his counter and Dean was hot on his trail to move to other side of the group. Ready to cut him off if he tried anything. "Allow me to answer your questions with some of my own. Did your dear boy, Henry, survive?"

"Yeah," Emma answered.

"Is the curse broken?" Dean looked at Emma who only responded with a roll of her eyes and a look towards the ground. "And, let's see. Uh, Miss Swan, how long have you been searching for your parents? Looks like you're reunited. Seems like rather a punch in the face, I deserve a thank you."

"You messed with this woman's entire life, you jack ass!" Dean couldn't hold it in any longer. "You messed with everyone's life!"

"I think the person responsible for those accusations," Mr. Gold said in a bored response, trying to ignore the hunter, "is the woman you all just locked away."

Dean shook his head, "You're both at fault. I don't know exactly what you did, Rump, but you're just to blame as the witch. I know evil; I've gone head to head with the Devil himself." He took a few steps closer to Gold and pointed at him. "You lied to Emma and me. You stole from us. You did something to this town. And we are not leaving until our questions are answered."

"What was the purple haze you brought?" Emma asked, walking beside Dean.

Mr. Gold looked between the two and turned his attention to Emma. "Oh, you know. Magic," he rose his hand in a theatric display.

"Why?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Not telling," Gold teased.

A sudden aroma hit Dean; something was burning. But not a usual wood or gasoline fire. It was something he knew, something he couldn't quite place his finger on.

"What's burning?" he said loudly, looking back to the doorway that separated this room to the back. "It smells like, like burning... Oil." Oil? Burning? Holy oil. "Cas," he said as he stared at Gold's face, who only smiled. "Cas!"

He ran back through the doorway, pushing back the drapes as he came back face to face with his angel standing in the middle of a fiery ring of burning holy oil. "Dean!" Cas called when he saw him.

Furious, Dean ripped off the drapes that hung in the doorway just as Emma came rushing to Dean's side to see what was going on. "Cas?"

"Hello, Emma," Castiel greeted with a relieved smile. Dean ran over to him and started patting out the fire with the drapes until there was enough to break in the flames for Cas to transport out of. Dean looked up and noticed he had already done so, popping back up next to Emma. "Congratulations on breaking the curse."

"Um, uh. Thanks," Emma replied, jumping to his reappearance next to her.

"If you'll excuse me, I must confront the man who trapped me," Cas said as he walked out of the room and onto the floor room. "Rumpelstiltskin."

"Oh good," Mr. Gold said with a sly smile. "The monkey let the mouse of the trap. I was wondering how long it would take the ape."

"Apes and monkeys are two different-"

"What the hell did you do? Why?" Dean demanded, interrupting Cas' rambling, as he pushed his way in front of the angel between him and Gold.

Mr. Gold cocked his head, still holding his smile as he replied. "He was in the way. What else was I supposed to do?"

"You little..." Cas growled as he tried to push his way past Dean.

"These were people in trouble, you dick! Castiel could have helped" Dean yelled, furious that only Sam, but Cas had been messed with while in this town.

"No he couldn't," Gold snarled at Dean. "It was not his place. It was not your place. It is not my fault that you and your brother and your angel decided to pop into a town where you didn't belong. This was Emma's responsibility. It was her destiny."

"It was only her destiny because you said it was," Dean berated, "You can't mess with people's lives just because you want to!"

"I have," Mr. Gold said between his teeth. "I will. And I'll continue for as long as I need to. You know why? Because I can. And now that magic is back, not even an angel can stop me."

Dean's fist made contact with Gold's face so fast both Emma and Mary Margaret had gasped. Mr. Gold stumbled backwards and dabbed his nose, which was beginning to bleed. His hand glowed as he waved it across his hand, and his face was no longer red and his nose no longer bled.

"Impressive," Dean mocked. "But he can do that too," he gestured towards Cas. Emma moved beside Dean and put her hands on his bawled up fist, stopping him from taking another swing.

Suddenly, the ground shook around them and Dean reached out to Emma reached out to Emma for stability. Everything in the shop began to rattle; then it stopped. Car alarms were going off and the wind outside had picked up tremendously.

"What the hell was that?" Emma asked as David ran to the door to look out the door to look out the window.

Dean kept an eye on Gold, who hadn't battled an eye at the sudden disturbance. "That is my gift to you. That is gonna take care of Regina."

The ground began to shake again as the electricity from street lights and signs began to burst. Exploding bulbs, the ground shaking, the sound of thunder or some kind of growl coming from above. "Demons?" was Dean's first thought. He looked back to Cas who simply shook his head, informing him that there weren't any demons around.

Dean and Emma both looked back at Gold with suspicion, wondering what it was exactly the man had done.

"Emma," Mary Margaret called from the doorway.

"We need to go take care of this," David finished.

Emma homed in on Gold, "We're not done."

"Oh, I know. You still owe me a favor," he said with a pointed finger. Emma walked over to her parents as Dean stood in front of Gold. "Go on, little soldier. And take your angel with you."

"We will be back," Dean threatened, gesturing for Cas to follow him out.

"It was nice while it lasted," Mr. Gold called out as they walked out the door. "Take care, Castiel." 

Once Upon a SupernaturalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora