Chapter 2

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John was currently at the Schyuler mansion. Eliza had asked everyone to come round because something important had come up or something. John wasn't really listening if he was being honest he just agreed to come. But Angelica has said she couldn't make it until a couple of hours later, because she was busy. John had no idea what she could be doing though.

John knocked on the door and he heard Eliza call, "come in," so he opened it.
"Why did you want to see us?" John asked slumping down on the couch next to Herc. "Look what someone did." Eliza shoved her phone in John's face seeming a bit irritated.
"Eliza I'm not looking at some dumb news article."
"Mon ami I really think you should...." Laf said from where he was standing in the doorway to the living room. John wouldn't of but it seemed to be concerning Laf, and like John said before Eliza seemed mad, so he sighed and took Eliza's phone. What he saw baffled him. It was an article of sorts, about what happened last year... defending Alex. With actual evidence.

"Who wrote it?" John asked handing Eliza her phone.
"No one knows. It was written anonymously."
"I wonder why they did it."
"I know. In my opinion it was a stupid idea!"
"I think it's a good thing."
Eliza and John locked eyes and just sat there intently staring at each over. Until there was a knock at the the door.

"I'll get it." Eliza mumbled walking over to the door. At the foot of it was a brown haired boy looking kinda nervous.
"Err... hi. Is Angelica in?" He asked. John noticed he sounded British. Interesting.
"No. Why?"
"Oh. I was just looking for her. It can wait though I'll try and catch her later. Thanks anyway." And with that he left. Eliza looked kinda confused though.

"That might have been John Eliza." Laf stated.
"No. I'm John and I'm pretty sure I'm sitting on the couch." John stated.
"No not you! Angelica's boyfriend. She said he was coming down, right?"
"Oh yeah," Eliza said losing her previous look of confusion, "I would have let him in if I'd realised."
"Perhaps that's why Angelica didn't come. She might have been looking for him, but he decided to check she was in." Laf explained. Which Eliza replied with, "probably."
"Shall was just wait till she gets back then, or are we free to go?" John asked.
Eliza shrugged. "It depends if you guys wanna discuss it. Obviously someone in authority will talk to us about eventually, but I really don't mind. If you want to stay, stay." They all ended up staying, and a couple of doors down there was some negotiating going on.

"Come on! Please!" Peggy pleaded to Church. When he said Angelica wasn't in Alex offered to look for her, but John wasn't sure how much of a good idea that was.
"Yeah. We won't get lost John, we literally led you here we'll be fine!" Alex added, and eventually Church gave in. He knew how stubborn those two got. Especially Alex. There's a reason he took law.
"Just don't get into any trouble!" John called as they walked out of those.
"We can't promise anything." Peggy called back and Church sighed. Those two were a real handful.

It was funny though, in the college they went to with Church there was boy there who called himself 'King George.' And he knew Seabury that guy Alex pushed off a table while he was slightly drunk. And it turned out George went to states too. And that's when Alex had an idea.

He'd spotted Charles Lee, who was just about as annoying as George, with Seabury. And he also saw George in the same area but neither had seen each over. "Hey Peggy if we tell George to go talk to Seabury, how long do you think it would take for him and Lee to start fighting over Samuel?" That's another thing Church had said. When Samuel was in England him and George had been good friends....
"I dunno Alex. Why don't we find out?"
"Why don't you go home before I drag you?" A new voice behind them made Peggy sequel in surprise and nearly fall on her face. Alex was now dying of laughter. It was only Angelica.

Angelica chuckled. "Are you two ok?" Alexander was trying and failing to form an understandable sentence.
"No! You just gave me a heart attack!" Peggy yelled.
"Oops. Now come on I'm sure John's worried about you! I was looking for the three of you!" Alex staggered up calming down.
"Well being the fabulous experts on New York we are, we were looking for you on John's behalf!" Alex announced as proud as ever.
"Someone's boasting already I see." Angelica chuckled.
"Just you wait there's more where that came from!"
"Now come on before John panics and gets lost!"

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