Chapter 4

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Martha was heading to college. She'd decided to apply for King's college and got in. When she saw a small slightly nervous looking boy walking around. He walked up to her.

"Err... Hey.... Do you know where King's college is?" He asked her.
"Sure! I was just heading there myself actually. You can walk with me if you like!" She told him. "My names Martha. Martha Laurens."
"James..." he hesitated, "James. Hamilton. And yes. Before you ask I am the brother of Alexander Hamilton."
"But what's wrong with that?" Martha asked.

He stopped in the middle of the street looking at her surprised. "....your not mad at me....?!" He asked.
"No. why should I be mad at you?"
"Most people are." He mumbled scuffing his foot of the ground a little. "I guess seeing as your related to John I just thought you'd be mad like them...."

Martha suddenly felt a stab of sympathy for James. "Hey it's ok James." She told him coming closer. "You've done nothing wrong, and I'm like 99.9% sure your brother hasn't either."
"Really?" He said his eyes full of hope, "you really mean it?"
"Of course. Now let's go before we're late for something."

They were quite for a while until James spoke up. "I always thought he was innocent! I mean I-I know people change.... and I know I haven't seen my brother in years but.... he was always so nice and he was always so protective over me! I... I.... he just cares so much.... I could never see him doing something like that!"
"Yeah...." Martha said thoughtfully, "a couple of our friends and my brother don't think he did it either. Personally I would never believe my Dad so I believe he's innocent too."
"It's so stupid though!"
"I know!" They were quite again for a bit, but Martha had an idea.

"Hey! We should investigate!" She told him enthusiastically.
"Yeah. Actually that sounds like a good idea. Especially with those people who have been writing about Alex being innocent! Now's a great time to start poking around!"
"Maybe we could even find out who's doing it!" They were now at the front of King's college.

"Why don't meet later huh? Early bird catches the worm!" Martha suggested.
"Yeah you can come to my dorm. Cause you know.... I don't really know how much your brother will appreciate this. And I don't even know if I have a roommate, but to be fair I don't really care. I'll kick em out or something." Martha chuckled a little at that.
"Yeah we can't tell anyone we'll get in serious trouble!"
"So it's agreed. Give me your number and I'll text you my timetable and dorm number, and we'll meet after school." Martha nodded and the two parted ways. Excited and nervous at what they might uncover.

Martha Laurens too smart for own good. And look something that's not Alex and John getting coffee!! And shameless self promotion, go check out my new TheodosiaXPhillip fanfic for WarriorsOfDarkness. But hey I managed to update so YAY!!! (Hopefully I'll be able to update again tomorrow too bye guys)

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