Chpater 5

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Alex was awkwardly sitting the middle of the Schuyler mansion cause he obviously had nothing better to do! He didn't want to be here! But he had to be because.... because..... he had stopped listening to Angelica.... oops.

"Hey Alex!" Angie called to him trying to hide her frustration. "Stop staring at that computer and get outside!"
"Butts are for sitting on Alex! Come with me or I'll drag you outside myself!" Alex let out a loud sigh and trudged outside, discarding his computer as he went.

Once he was outside he sat himself on the floor. Angie just looked at him and sighed. "If they hadn't decided on swimming I'd make you get up." Alex was silently thankful he didn't have to join in. Today was not a good day for him. He agreed with Angie that he could just watch them swim in the pool at the back of the Schuyler mansion. And it's not that Alex isn't swimming cause he hates the water, but because he simply can't swim. And he hates the water.

It wasn't long before Peggy and Eliza appeared. Peggy took a seat next to him on the ground. "I think I might keep you company for a bit." She told him.
"Not up for it?" Peggy shook her head.

John came out next and... Alex couldn't help the slight blush that brushed his face. This wasn't a good thing so Alex everted his attention somewhere else. Maria appeared just behind him. Peggy sighed. "I know." Alex told her.
"It's not very easy is it?" Peggy looked up at him now everting her gaze too.
"Nothing about this is easy...." he told her.
"We're such a mess."

Peggy and Alex spent about half an hour talking and then Peggy joined her sisters. Alex just continued to sit, alone with his thoughts. Which was never really a good thing. His current train of thought was something about John. Coincidentally that train of thought was cut off by none over than John himself.

"Hey Alex! Why don't you come in? It's nice!" John asked. Alex panicked. Angie looked at him concerned.
"I-I'd r-rather not... I'm okay sitting here...."
"You sure?" Alex nodded.
"Oh come on!" Eliza said with a look Alex couldn't decipher on her face. "Why not?"
"I-I can't swim...." Alex mumbled.

Eliza continued to press him and Alex as a result began to get annoyed. And then he snapped. "I-I-I'm sorry!" Alex felt tears prick his eyes. He couldn't do this today. He couldn't! He left slamming the door behind him. Someone was calling him. He ignored them. He couldn't do this today. Today was not a good day.

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