Chapter 12 (chapter 11 in disguise)

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After the group's little chat they finally came to an agreement. They were going to get the evidence they needed. But first it required a new computer. Peggy and John, Church that is, have been burdened with this task. The other gone to well Peggy forgot. She was too busy thinking thinking about Space Dad.

"So where's the store again?" Church asked.
"Oh right just down here." Peggy said pointing at a run down looking line of shops.
"This looks kinda tacky." John said sounding a little cautious.
"Aw come on John this place may look bad it's great trust me!"
"Okay if you say so..." John replied sounding unsure.

"Hello welcome to Dillinger Electronics can I help you?" The employee at the till asked friendly.
"Oh thanks but I- Wait that's such a cool computer!" Peggy said walking over to the desk in a trance like state.
"It is it's just...."
"It's err.... pretty badly virused...."
"How so?"
"You err.... you don't.... you don't..... want me to fix it for you?"
"Peggy wait-"
"Shut up John, Rich will be mine!"
"Rich is my husbands name." The cashier said.
"Really?" Peggy asked. "Wow." The Rest of the wait involved Peggy staring at the computer like it was best thing that ever happened to her.

"Well there you go it should be all.... err.... better now...." the cashier told them after what to John seemed like forever.
"Thank you so much!" Peggy practically squealed.
"Your welcome." The cashier replied. "That would be 300 dollars."
"100 dollars? We don't have that kind of money!" John panicked.
"Your just saying that cause that cause your British. I have Angie's credit card." Peggy said waving the contactless card at the pin pad. John let out a sigh of relief before realising what Peggy said.
"Wait what?" He asked as Peggy thanked the cashier briskly dragging John out of the shop. Her brand new computer was tucked tightly in the arm she wasn't using to drag John.

They were about half home by now and all Peggy had been going on about was that dumb computer or Rich as she called it. Why did it need a name anyway? John didn't think he'd ever know. As John continued to ignore Peggy something finally managed to silence her. But it wasn't a good thing. Peggy froze. She knew that scream.... She knew that....

Peggy turned round shoving Rich into John's arm before she continued to sprint as fast as she could were the sound originated from. She heard John calling her back but she didn't lists . It didn't matter. All she had to do now was make it across the street. That's all she had to do that's all she had to-

"Peggy look out!"



"I'm sorry....."

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