Chapter 7

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John was waiting nervously in the park. He used to go there a lot with his boyfriend..... but that's not the point! He wanted to make sure Alex Church was okay. And he was gonna give him his computer. Alex had agreed to see him here as long John was alone. So he came here alone.

"Hi John! Sorry, did I keep you waiting?" Alex asked making him jump.
"No no don't worry it's okay. Here." John handed him his computer, and they sat down on a nearby bench.

"Alex are you okay? You seemed pretty upset earlier." John asked still feeling nervous.
"Yeah... I'm okay now..." Alex told him.
"Do... do you want to talk about what happened....?"
"John you don't have to-"
"Yes I do Alex. Your my friend and I care about you!" John cut him off.
"I'm just really afraid of the water and.... Eliza was making me uncomfortable...." Alex told him quietly.
"It's okay Alex. We all have something to fear... and we all make mistakes too...." Alex looked up at John and smiled. The two began to get lost in each overs eyes again. They were both so close yet so far away... John's phone went off.

John blushed a little and answered his phone.  Alex watched him.
"Oh hi Martha.
Yeah of course I am!
Yeah. I'll start walking, stop panicking. That's my job.
I know I know I love you too.
Yeah bye."

"That was my sister." John told Alex once he'd hung up. Alex nodded. "She wants me home cause apparently I have a curfew now." Alex laughed at John's comment.
"Come on I'll walk with you." Alex said offering John a hand up. John took it but.... Alex didn't let go of his hand..... John was wondering wether to say something, meanwhile Alex was internationally freaking out. He didn't know what to do either.

John looked up at him and Alex looked away. He had wild blush across his face. Alex just wanted to crawl up and die in a ball of embarrassment. Why does he ruin everything for himself?

".... I love you...."
"....I love you too...."

Trying to type on a bumpy road while going up hills isn't very easy...

This is the only way I can protect my legacyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora