Chapter 8

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Well would you look at that. Now we can continue. But first does anyone have any any Mary's Magic Faries™ cause I think James might need one-

"J-James! What's wrong?" Martha asked startled at the sudden entrance. He rushed over her and collapsed into her arms, he was a sobbing mess... Martha began to rub his back. "Hey James it's okay. It's okay." She continued to tell him words like that until he eventually calmed down.

"Would you like some water?" She asked sitting him down on the coach. He nodded and Martha disappeared into the kitchen, coming back a little later with a glass. She handed it to him.

"James, are you okay? What happened?" He let out a long sigh and then sipped his water. He totally wasn't stalling no, why would he do that?

"James?" She pressed the concern clear in her voice. He sighed again. He began shaking his cup a little watching the water move around as he did so. It made him more uncomfortable. He stopped.

"It was just some stupid kids." He mumbled quietly.
"If it was just some 'stupid kids' then why are you so upset?"
"Cause. They were talking about Alex." He told her nonchalantly.
"What did they say....?" She asked sounding a little distant herself.
"Well they called me a murder at one point." His tone was blunt like he didn't care.... he really did though.....
"That's horrible they had no right to do that...." James shrugged. He really didn't want to think about it.... he was fine now.... at least he thought he was.... things were about to get a whole lot worse....

"So got any updates on the project?" He asked desperately wanting to change the subject. Martha cursed under her breath. "I completely forgot...." she darted of the couch and grabbed her phone of the near by table.
"What is it....?" Jame asked concerned.
"Here." She said shoving the phone in his face. It was on her messages. He read whatever the heck she wanted him to see..... Once James had finished her furrowed his brows.

"Do you think it's a prank?" He asked.
"I don't know. It seems pretty serious..." Martha mused back.
"But who would know?"
"And who would care enough to bother to warn us. The people who may be out for us definitely wouldn't have sent it...."
"They would have told someone who does care though.... but why...?"

Some sort of realisation suddenly crossed the pair and they stared at each over in shock and disbelief.

John opened the door to the house calling out a goodbye to Alex as he did so. He was greeted with Martha and a boy who must be her friend sharing a sorta scared look. But now John though about the boy looked kinda familiar.... almost like-

"John...." Martha said carefully. "You were with Alex Church right....?"
"Yeah why....?" John asked puzzled. Martha looked straight at him.
"John I don't think he's who he says he is...." John met his sisters eyes.
".... I know....."

Well here you go. I wrote most of this on my phone which was hard. I don't get how you do it!!! But I worte last part on paper cause my phone died luckily no one was there to graffiti it. I was checking it over on my Ipad though and then that died. Anyway hope you enjoyed. Sorry about the cliffhanger.... don't through whatever your reading this on off the cliff though I won't pay for it.... but I may get chapter 9 up today too so see ya later!!!


I'm a tall glass of water~ Nya Smith 2016 XD
Oh yeah that happened while I was writing this.....

This is the only way I can protect my legacyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora