Truth or dare

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Veronicas pov
"Roni wake up" Nessa shouted. "Our video with Eth and Gray have hit more than 1 million on both channels! It's only been two days!"
"Yeah supercool Nessa" I said with a sleepy voice.
"Oh and they'll be here in an hour" Nessa said as she sat down on my bed.
"Okay" I said still half sleeping.
"Ah Roni do something with me, I'm bored" Nessa said.
"We can watch youtube" I said and leaved room to her beside me. "But only in 15 minutes, I need to shower and get ready". After an hour I was ready for the twins to come. I was acctually kind of exited. I have a guy best friend that I'm not attracted to at all. Okay, now I'm lying to myself. I'm kind of attracted to Eth but I want him as a friend. I heard a knock on the door so I ran and opened it.
"Hey guys!" I said and hug them both.
"Hey Roni!" Eth said back.
"Hi. So, where's Nessa?" Gray said.
"In her room" I said and smiled at him.
"What?" He asked confused.
"You know she's not your girlfriend, right? You dont have to ask where she is all the time" Eth then said.
"Ofcourse I know that, but maybe one day. And I'll wait" Gray answered.
"We met a week ago" I then told him. Eth had already went in to the livingroom and sat down at the couch watching tv.
"There is a thing called love at first sight" Gray said.
"Okay well, I have nothing against that you like my sister but just dont break her heart, it has happened before." I told him. He looked at me like "i wont, i promise" which made me smile at him.
"Hey guys" Nessa said comming down the stairs.
"Hey" Eth shouted from the livingroom.
"Um what are you two doing?" Nessa asked looking suspisious and maybe a bit jeleous.
"I'm just giving him some advice" I said and then walked away and joined Eth on the couch.

Grayson's pov
"I'm just giving him some advice" Roni said and then walked away.
"Um...okay?" Nessa asked smiling. I could se her cute dimples on her cheeks.
"I love your dimples" I said smiling at her.
"You said that the first time we met, but thanks" she said and then walked to the kitchen. Why does someone so cute and funny have to be so hard to get? I then walked after her.
"Do anyone want anything from the kitchen?" Nessa shouts to Roni and Eth. None of them answere.
"I do" i said.
"Well you're here so you can get it yourself" Nessa said and took an apple.
"Maybe one day" I said and looked at her. She immediatly understod what I meant.
"Yeah, maybe one day" she said and walked out to Roni and Eth. I came in there some secounds later.
"What are you watching?" I asked.
"Boring football" Roni answered.
"Well why dont you change?" Nessa asked.
"That stupid remote doesn't work." She said getting angry.
"Wow, someone's on her period" Eth said with a flayfull voice.
"You know, if a girl is angry it doesn't have to mean that she's on her period" Roni said.
"No ofcourse not, but it mostly is" I say to back up Gray.
"Nessa help me out here" Roni said looking at her sister.
"You know a girl can just have a bad day and then she just gets mad at everything" Nessa says.
"Bad days usally start with periods" Eth said.
"Okay stop" Roni said. "Let's just watch".
I sat down next to Nessa and held my arm on her shoulder.
"Too soon" she said and I took away my arm.
About an hour later their mom come home.

Ethan's pov
"Hi mommy" Roni said and went to hug her mom. I love the way she says "mommy".
"Hi" Nessa said as she walked to hug her. "Was it fun in Mexico?"
"Yeah, It was nice to meet my family" their mom said. She walked in to the livingroom where me and Gray sat on the couch. "So who are these two?" She asked and looked at her daughers.
"Oh that's Grayson with the feather in his ear" Nessa said. Grayson stood up and shaked Mrs Merrell's hand.
"Hi Mrs Merrell" he said.
"Hello" their mom said with an approving look.
"And this is Ethan" Roni said and pointed at me. At first I just sat there but when Roni showed with her eyes that I should stand up I did.
"Hi" I said. Mrs Merrell looked at us a little bit confused.
"So how do you guys know my dauthers?" Their mom said.
"We have a youtube channel called "Dolan Twins"" I said.
"We made a collab and then we were friends" I said looking at the twins.
"How fun." Mrs Merrell said. "So will you guys stay for dinner?"
"Uhm..." Gray said looking at me.
"Yeah sure" I said.
"Well if you're okay with it Mrs Merrell?" Gray said with an asking look.
"Yeah" their mom said. "Me and Paul will have time to talk to you guys then. We can see if you are the kind of guys we want our dauthers to hang out with." Then she walked away. I got nervous. What if they don't like me? Then I'll never be Roni's boyfriend. Not because I have a chance right not. I looked at Gray and he looked just as nervous as me. Maybe even more. He's the one who really want's one of the twins right now so it wasn't a surprise that he were nervous.
"I'm sorry" Nessa said. "Our mom always want's to know the guys we hang out with. She always think their our boyfriends."
"It took her two years to understand that we're just friends with Dom." Roni then added. We all walked in to the kitchen to help Mrs Merrell with the food. After we all sat down at the table their dad asked us a question.
"Do any of you guys have a girlfriend?" Paul said. I was shooked of the question. It wasn't a question I thought I would hear.
"Dad!" Nessa warned with.
"No we do not" Gray then said. He smiled at Mr and Mrs Merrell.
"Do you guys want girlfriends?" Their mom the add.
"Not right now" I say just to answere. It wasn't really true.
"If I find the right one" Gray then said and looked at Nessa who sat beside him. He turned his head again to look back at the parents who sat on the other side of the table. Roni sat beside her dad and on the opposite side to me. "I like quote "the first one, the only one" so I usally follow that."
"So you've never had a girlfriend before?" Paul ask.
"Not a real girlfriend. I dont count those who were before 13" Gray said and looked at the parents.
"I really like you, Grayson" Paul said. "You would be a perfect boyfriend"
"Dad!" Roni then said.
"What?" He said and looked at his dauthers who both had red faces. "It's true"
"Thank you" Gray said and looked at him.
The rest of the dinner kept going with questions about our love life, our family and many other stuff. When everyone was done me, Gray, Nessa and Roni walked up to Nessa's room. It was pretty big and white. The furniture were white, the walls were white, the only thing that wasn't white where the floor. We all sat down on her bed.
"Roni why cant we see your room?" Eth asked.
"Um I haven't really cleaned it" she said.
"Let's play a game" Nessa then said.
"Like what?" I asked her.
"Um... what about truth or dare!" Nessa said.
"Yeah!" Roni said.
"Okay sure" Gray said.
"Do we have to?" I asked scared of the questions I would have to answere.
"Yup mi amigo, we have to" Roni said.
"I'll start" Gray said. "Eth truth or dare?"
"Truth" I said. I knew that the question I would get would be about Roni.
"Who of the twins would you kiss if you had to?" Gray asked with a grin on his face. I got a little mad at him but I knew that all of them would get mad if I didn't answere the question. I said an answere that would make Gray red.
"I would kiss Roni because you're like obsessed of Nessa" I said and smiled at Gray. The answere were true but not the hole truth. I saw Gray's face turn super red.
"Okay, my turn!" I said. "Truth or dare Nessa?" I asked. I hadn't realised that the answere I gave Gray also made Nessa uncomfteble. I decided to say an easy truth or dare.
"Truth" she answered unwillingly.
"What is...when was your...what is your middle name?" I asked. Everyone looked at me. "What? It's something I want to know!"
"My middle name is Jo. Vanessa Jo Merrell" she said. "Roni, truth or dare?"
"Dare" she said.
"Um..." she was thinking for a long time. "Help me here guys!"
"Go on Instagram and comment a heart on 5 of Gray's latest pictures" I said. Roni did what I told her.
"Everyone's going to get crazy now" she said as she commented. I took up my phone to look at the comment. There was already two comments.
""Ship sooooo hard😍 Roni and Gray❤" I started to read out loud. "Nooooo I ship Graynessa!" I then read.
"Okay my turn" Roni said. "Truth or dare Gray?" She asked and looked at him.
"Truth" he answered. Roni looked at me. "Have you ever had a real girlfriend?"
"No" he said. "Never" Roni looked at me.
"Is that true?" She asked.
"Yeah it acctually is" I answered.
"That's cool" Nessa said to join the conversation. The redness in her face had dissapeared.
"Truth or dare Eth?" Gray askedand turned to me.
"Dare" I said scared of what he would say.
"Well" he said. "I'm gonna add to my last question and say, tell me the truth why you would kiss Roni."
"I've already told you" I said.
"Okay, fine" He said thinking about something to say. "Go down and tell their dad that you want to marry one of the twins"
"Sure". Paul did not belive me so I walked up again. After and hour I told Gray that we should go home. We hugged the twins and got out to the car.
"Eth please dont talk about me and Nessa. I'm trying to get her to be mine and It'll go better without you" Gray said as we sat down in the car.
"We'll see" I said and drove away.

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