The kiss (part 1)

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(Three months later. If you where wondering: Nessa and Gray are together and the viewers loves it. Roni and Eth are like best friends and they often hang out. Gray and Eth often sleepover at Roni and Nessa's house. Gray sleeps in Nessa's room and Eth in the guest room. +the Merrell's and the Dolan's are the same age)

Ethan's pov
"When do you think they'll come down?" Roni asked as we ate breakfast.
"I don't know. You don't think they're..." I said hoping she would understand. I saw on the look of her face that she didn't. "You know... doing IT"
"Oh no...they're not!" Roni said loud.
"Good morning!" Gray said as he walked downstairs.
"Why are you so happy?" I asked.
"Um...why wouldn't I?" Gray said back. He walked and sat down next to me at the table.
"I don't know" I said.
"Oh I know! You're just jeleous that I get to sleep with- Um do you know what? I'm gonna stop talking" Gray said. Roni looked at Gray.
"Hey guys!" Nessa said as she came into the kitchen.
"Hi!" Roni said. "Nessa come hug me"
"Why?" Nessa asked.
"Because I want a hug" Roni said. I wanted to hug her but if she doesn't ask I won't.
"Ask Eth" she said.
"But I want to hug you!" Roni said.
"Okay, you are fighting about a hug!" Gray said.
"But Nessa never hugs me!" Roni said.
"I don't like hugs!" Nessa answered.
"Nessa please! I just want a hug from you! We are never alone anymore so you can at least hug me!" Roni said and stood up to face Nessa.
"Okay..." Nessa said and finally hugged Roni.
"Wow..." I said. "That was litterly a fight...'bout a hug!" Nessa and Roni didn't let go. Nessa wispered something in Roni's ear.

Vanessa's pov
"What is it?" I asked Roni as we hugged eachother. She never wants a hug this bad so I knew something was wrong.
"Couldn't sleep so I thought 'bout the future" Roni wispered in my ear.
"So what?" I asked.
"Just thought about when we will live on our own, I don't want that!" Roni said with a hurt voice. I opened my eyes to see that both of the boys where stairing at us.
"Not me eather" I said and pulled away.
"So you'll live together forever?" Eth asked.
"Um that's what we want right now" I answered.
"But what about when you get married and have kids?" Gray said.
"I don't know." I said said.
"You always do this" Roni said.
"Do what?" Eth asked.
"Turn small things to a one hour discussion." I said.
"We just have many questions." Gray said.
"Mhm very many!" Roni added.
We were all just home today. We watched some movies and stuff and then played some boarding games. We ate dinner with our parents and then we kept playing games.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Eth said.
"Noooo" Gray said.
"Let's watch a movie!" I said and turned on the tv.
"Star Wars?!" Roni said loud.
"Yeah!" I said. After hours of watching many Star Wars movies I got tierd.
"Gray should we go to bed?" I asked Gray.
"Yeah!" He said and stood up.
"Night!" Eth said.
"Love you Nessa!" Roni said as me and Gray walked up the stairs.
"Night. Love you too Roni" I said.
Me and Gray got in to my room and started to get ready to go to bed.

Veronica's pov
"So...are you tired?" Eth asked after a while.
"Not really" I answered.
"Should we watch more movies?"  He asked.
"Don't really feel like watching movies" I said and turned off the TV.
"What do you wanna do?" Eth asked.
"Dont know" I answered.
"We can just talk" Eth said.
"Okay" I said. None of us said something. I sat there stairing down on the floor.
"So..." I said after a while.
"Soooooo..." he said.
"Are you tierd? I'm a little bit tierd. I'm gonna go to sleep" I said to brake the awekwardness.
"Yeah" he said and stood up. Then I stood up.
"Well goodnight then" I said and walked away.
"Night" Eth said while he walked to the guest room. I walked into my and Nessa's bathroom to get ready to go to bed. I wasn't really tired but I didn't want to stay with the awesomness in the livingroom and scence Nessa was with Gray I didn't have anything to do. I really dont know why it was so awekward between me and Eth.
"Hey Roni" Nessa said and snapped me out of my thoughts when I walked in to the bathroom.
"Hey" I answered.

Vanessa's pov
"Hey" she answered in a low voice.
"What were you thinking about?" I asked as I took out my contacts.
"It's so awkward between me and Eth" Roni said and begun to take the makeup of off her face.
"Why?" I said.
"I dont know" She answered.
"Do you like him?" I asked and looked at her in the mirror. She looked up at me.
"I dont know".
"Does he like you?" I then asked.
"I dont know" she answered and turned to face me. "Do you think so?"
"By the way he looks at you? Yes." I answered.
"I dont want a relationship right now" she said and turned to the mirror.
"You should tell him that" I said and washed my hands. "Love you and goodningt" I said and walked out of the bathroom.
"Love you too, night" Roni said behind me and closed the door.
I walked in to my room and saw Gray looking at his phone without a shirt in my bed.
"Well that didn't took long" he said sarcasticly as I lay down in my bed.
"Haha you're so funny" I answered and opened my phone. "Do you know if Eth likes Roni?"
"Oh Yeah he totally do!" Gray answered and turned to look at me. "Why are you wondering?"
"I dont know." I said and looked at him. I couldn't help looking down at his chest.
"Well what are you looking at?" he asked and moved further up on the bed so he revealed more of his chest.
"Nothing" I said and looked back at my phone.
"You sure?" He asked and pulled me closer. The top of my head was under his shin.
"Yeah" I said still looking at my phone.
"Okay then" he said and turned off my phone then took it from me.
"Hey!" I said trying to take it back.
"You dont need that" he said and put it on my nightstand. "So...sup?" He asked and layed down at his back so I put my head on his chest and he held his arm around me.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well, is it something you wanna say?" He asked.
"Like what?" I asked him.
"Like...maybe you wanna take things a little further..." he said and took my hand.
"Like what?" I asked and moved my head from his chest so I could look him in the eyes. I kind of knew what he was talking about.
"You meeting my parents" he answered.
"Oh" I said when I heard what he said.
"What did you think?" He asked.
"Um... I dunno" I answered.
"But maybe it is time for a first kiss. I mean we've been going out for months now. I even sleep in your bed." He said and looked at me serious.
"Yeah..." I said and looked up at him. We where stairing into eachothers eyes and all of a sudden he moved in to kiss me.

To be continued...

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