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(The morning after)

Ethan's pov
The mysterious girl walked down the stairs interupting me. My eyes where red from crying. I didn't want Gray to know that I'm really hurt of him ignoring me. He just shut me out of his life. It's like he has No feelings left.
"Hey!" She said and looked at me. Her smile faded away when she came closer. "How are you?" She asked in a serious tone.
"Not good" I said.
"Why?" She asked and sat down on the couch next to me.
"My brother, he who you know, broke up with his girlfriend and he's been shutting me our for weeks." I said. "And his ex is the sister of my girlfriend so we haven't been able to hang out"
"That's so sad. I didn't know. Just know that It'll get better" she said. I couldn't really take her serious. I just thought about what she has been doing with my brother all night.
"I hope so" I said as she stood up.
"Well, hope I never see you again" she said. I gave her a smile before she left.

Veronica's pov
"Nessa It's time to wake up!" I said and nocked on her door. "Nessa?" I asked when I didn't get an answere. "Come on, Nessa" I said as I opened her door. What I saw was horrifying. Nessa was on her bed in the same clothes as she had last night. On her nightstand was a glass with water and an opened har of sleeping pills. Almost all of them was gone.
"Nessa?!" I shouted as I ran towards her and shaked her. "Nessa wake up!" I shouted even louder. "NESSA!" I shouted and our parents ran in. "CALL 911! NOW!!!" I said crying beside Nessa. "Nessa" I said between my sobs.
"It's okay, Veronica" my mom said and hugged me. I didn't say anything. I just cried out on her shoulder. The only hugs who felt better than mommys where Nessa's. She let go and ran out to my dad. The ambulans was there quick. As they where liftning her up I saw a note on her bed. I took it and put it in my pocket. The whole family followed into the ambulans. There where us, a nurse and Nessa's lifeless body. As the driver started drivning I started reading the note:

Hi Roni. When you're reading this I'm probobly up in heaven with our maker. I just couldn't take it anymore. You where the best thing in my life but I could see that you where hurt by looking in you eyes. I didn't want you to feel that way. I've damaged many people and I wanted it to end. Can you please tell our viewers that I love them and that you're gonna keep posting videos. Tell our parents that I'm sorry I've been like this, that I'm sorry I didn't have dinner with them and that I love them. Tell all our friends that I love them and that they're gonna take care of you when I'm gone. Tell Aaron for giving me four amazing years of my life, that I love and forgive him. Tell Ethan to take care of you. And tell Grayson that I love him. Always will and always have. Tell him that breaking up with him was a mistake and make sure that he'll be okay. And Roni, remember that you where the best thing about being alive. You where the light in my dark cave. I don't want you to grief. Celabrate your life, while you're still living it. I love you, No matter what. The last thing I'll say in this letter is that I wich to be trowen in a sea. I want to be free.

My eyes was all rested up.
"Mommy, daddy" I said and they looked at me. Both of them was crying. "Nessa wanted you to know that she loves you and that she's sorry for how she's been acting" they looked at me askingly. Then they looked down in my hands and saw the letter. They smiled at me and then looked back at Nessa. I took up my phone and called the people on Nessa's note. I didn't tell them about the note but I told them which hospital we where going too and hoped that they would come. The last person I called was Aaron.
"Hey" I manager to say trought my sobbing.
"Hi?" He said surprised. "Why did you call?"
"Um, Nessa's been in an accident and I think she would like you to coments the hospital" I said.
"Ofcourse" he said surprised and worried. "Where is it?" He asked. I told him where it was. "I'll come as quick as possible" he said and we ended the call.

We arrived at the hospital 10 minutes later. They took her to a room fast. One nurse told us to wait. We sat down in the waiting room.
"Roni?!" Ethan said as he came in with Gray. He ran and hugged me. Gray ran directly to the receptionist.
"WHERE'S VANESSA?!" He screamed.
"GRAY!" Eth shouted at him. He walked back and sat down at a chair. Eth walked and sat down beside him. I was shooked by the next persons that walked in. Did I call them?
"Hey" I said to Brooklyn and Baily. Behind them where a boy I belive where Baily's boyfriend.
"We came as fast as he heard" Brooklyn said and hugged me.
"Collins told us" Baily said and hugged me. They sat down with Asa next to Gray. Collins and Devan where the next people who came.
"Hi" both of them said and hugged me. "We're so sorry, Roni" Collinc said. They sat down beside my parents. I still stood up waiting for more people to come. My tears fanally came out when I saw our best friend Hannah walk in.
"Hey" she said as she runned towards me and then hugged me. "How is she?" She asked.
"We don't know" I said. "You can go sit down next to Eth" I said waiting for two more people. I saw Dom running towards me. None of us said something. He just gave me a hug.
"It'll be fine Roni. She'll make it" he told me. He then walked and sat down next to my dad. He hugged him. Don't like a brother to us. It was only one person left. I was worried that he wouldn't come but just then, he walked into the hospital. He came towards me in fast steps.
"How is she?" He asked.
"They haven't told us" I said.
"Okay" he said and started to walk away to sit down.
"Wait Aaron" I said and stopped him. "Nessa's most recent ex and the biggest reason to why we're here is there. Don't get mad at him. Nessa broke up with him" I said before he walked away. I walked after him. I could see on the other people' faces that they didn't like him here. The people who knew what happened with him. He sat down a bit away from the others. I sat down next to him so he wouldn't feel alone. I looked over at Gray who looked really mad at Aaron. I looked up at Aaron who looked really mad at Gray. They both stood up and walked towards eachother.
"So you're the person who hurt Nessa" Gray said in a voice I've never heard before. Everyone reacted to the fight.
"I didn't make her trying to kill herself" Aaron said. Gray went in por a punch. He punched him right in the face. They both attacker eachother. They didn't stop untill both Dom and Eth held back Gray and Devan and Collinc hel back Aaron. I walked and stood between them. All the boys let go of the grip.
"We're all a reason to this" I said. "And you both have to face it, you hurt her. But her heart is so big that she didn't let that make her hate you. Everyone sat down. I was left alone in the mittle. "If Nessa wouldn't survive I was gonna read this note." I said and took up the note from my pocket. "But I think I'll read it anyways. 'Tell all our friends that I love them and that they're gonna take care of you when I'm gone'" I read and looked at all our friend. Extra at Dom, Hannah and Collins. "'Tell Aaron for giving me four amazing years of my life, that I love and forgive him'" I said and looked at Aaron. "'Tell Ethan to take care of you'" I said and looked at him. I started crying. He gave me a look like 'you got this Roni'. "'And tell Grayson that I love him. Always will and always have. Tell him that breaking up with him was a mistake and make sure that he'll be okay.'" I said and looked at a now crying Gray. "Gray she never wanted to brake up with you, she just wanted both of you to be ready for a relationship" I said. Everyone looked at him.
"Yeah" he said and cried even more.
"Vern wanna read your part of the letter" Hannah asked.
"No, I'll keep that to myself" I said.

Cliffhanger!!! What do you think will happen with Nessa? Will she survive? Well, you'll have to wait and see.😉😉

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