Kik #2

915 12 1

(Three days after "maybe one day")


The dream team
Gray: Hey!
Nessa:just hanging out with Roni, kinda
Roni: we're both on our phones
Gray: I don't know where Eth is so I'm alone
Gray: #foreveralone
Nessa: Gray both of our videos has hit more than 7 million views
Gray: cool!
Roni: si
Gray: wait, you guys are like spanish right?
Roni: Um a little, we're more mexican
Gray: then you know spanish?
Nessa: not much
Gray: oh...
Gray: I was thinking that we could do a video where you talk spanish
Nessa: oh No that wont work
Roni: we have a serie called "que sera sera" where we kinda talk spanish
Gray: really? Could we maybe do one?
Nessa: Yeah, sure!
Gray: cooooool
Eth: Hey guys! What have I missed?
Gray: Well me and nessa just got engaged and Roni just gave birth
Eth: what, really?
Gray: what do you think?
Eth: f*ck you Gray
Gray: f*ck you very, very muuuuuch🎶
Roni: Okay stop it, we only planned a collab
Eth: cool, what are we gonna film and when?
Nessa: not in a while
Roni: a video on our Channel called "que sera sera"
Eth: spanish? Do you speak spanish?
Eth: oh Yeah you're like mexican
Nessa: we don't speak spanish
Eth: you don't? Oh I feel bad for your mom
Roni: she tried to teach us but...
Roni: do you know what? That's not important
Gray: wow Eth we said the same thing, we're like twins!
Eth: what? I have a twin? COOOOOOOOL!
Nessa: haha funny😒😒
Nessa: sorry i didn't mean to be rude
Gray: It's Okay, we didn't think you were
Eth: Well what is everyone doing tonight?
Roni: we're doing nothing
Gray: nothing
Eth: can we hang out?
Roni: Sure!
Nessa: our parents aren't home
Gray: me and ethan'll be there in 10
Roni: Well that was fast
Eth: Gray is litterly running down the stairs
Roni: 😂
Eth: he just yelled at me, need to go
Roni: bye
Eth: see ya soon

(End of kik)

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