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(The same day)

Ethan's pov
"Here you go" I said as I left a plate with food on Gray's bed. He was still on his phone and didn't look or talk to me. It's hurting me but I'm more worried about him. "You can like text me when you're done or something" I said still standing beside his bed. "Um I'm still downstairs if you want to join me" I said trying to get a reaction. Nothing. "There'll be a horror movie at the TV soon and I can make some popcorn" I sad. He still ignored me. "Okay, see you later Gray" I said and walked out. I closed his door but stood outside it for a while to hear if he touches the plate. After a while could hear his fork against the plate so I left. I didn't really feel like horror movie or popcorn if Gray wouldn't be joining me so I walked into my room and called Roni on face time.
"Hi" I said as she answered.
"Hi" she answered.
"How's nessa?" I asked.
"Worse than I thought" she answered. "And Gray?"
"Still ignoring me" I said.
"This whole thing is just a mess" Roni said. "I can't see Nessa like this"
"Me eather" I said. "When do you think this will end?"
"If they don't get back together, I think It'll never stop" Roni said.
"Really? I hope they'll be able to move on" I said.
"Maybe Grey but defenetally not Nessa" She said. "Eth I'm sorry we haven't been able to hang out. I just have to be here for Nessa"
"It's okay." I said " I can't really leave Gray eather. And since we don't live with our parents It's even harder. If this is gonna go on for a long time, I think we'll have to move home again"
"Really?" Roni asked.
"Yeah" I said. "I can't handel him on my own. I already feel like a parent."
"Are you sure?" She asked. "Okay I'm just sounding selfish now. I'd do the same thing for Nessa"
"Yeah. But I'll give it some months. To see if It'll get better" I said.
"Yeah tha..." Roni started saying but then it was quiet.
"Hello?" I asked to see if she still was there.
"I think Nessa started crying" she said. "I need to go, bye"
"Bye, love..." I said before she ended the call. "" I said.

Vanessa's pov
"Nessa what's up?" Roni asked as she walked into my room.
"No I-I just started thinking." She said. "It's Okay"
"Okay, promise?" Roni asked standing in the door.
"Yeah, for now" I said. She smiled at me, I smiled back and then she left.
"Veronica, Vanessa dinner's ready" my mom shouted from the kitchen. I wiped away the tears from my eyes and walked downstairs. Roni walked behind me. I sat down on my place at the dinner table.
"What have you guys done today?"  My mom asked.
"Nothing" I answered looking down at my plate.
"We filmed a video... not so much more than that" Roni said. "What did you do?"
"Agh just a normal day at work" she answered.
"Mm it was really good Wendy" my dad said.
"Yeah" Roni agreed. I hadn't really tasted the food.
"Thank you. What did you think Vanessa?" She then asked me. I didn't want to lie...
"I'm not really hungry" ...but I did it anyways. I looked up at everyone and they stared at me. "Can I leave the table?" I asked and left before anyone could say anything. I went into my room and about and hour later Roni walked in.
"Hi" I said as I heard her. I didn't turn my head to look at her.
"I brought you some food" She said and put the plate on my nightstand.
"Thank you" I said and sat up so I could look at her.
"So Nessa, Nina and Randa wanted to do another collab with us. I didn't answere them, I thought I should talk to you first" she said.
"I don't think I can meet people right now. You saw what happened downstairs and that was our own parents" I said.
"Yeah. I'll just tell them we can't do it right now." She said.
"Thank you for everything you do for me" I said.
"Ofcourse" she said. "Eat now" she said and left. I took the plate and started eating.
"Roni!" I shouted.
"Yeah?" She shouted back.
"Tell mommy it was really good" I said when she stood in the door.
"I will" she said, smiled then left.
"Love you" I shouted.
"Love you too." She said back. I fell asleep in my bed. When I woke up I decided to go downstairs to leave my plate.
"She need to see a therapist Veronica" my wispered from the kitchen. I didn't want them to know that I was there so I hid behind the corner.
"No she dont!" Roni wisper-screamed.
"Yeah she do. Did you see what happened at the dinner table? The only one she talks to is you." My dad said.
"Daddy I can handel this!" Roni wispered even louder.
"I know you love your sister more than anything but there's somethings love doesn't do" my mom said.
"No but time and support do!" Roni wispered.
"We'll give it a week but if nothing changes, we'll sign her up for a meeting" my dad said. Roni left the kitchen with an angry look on her face. I decided not to leave my plate. I walked straight up to my room.
"Nessa" Roni said as she walked in. "They're gonna make you see and therapist" she said angrily and sat down on my bed.
"I know. Thank you for beliving in me, us, but I don't think we can do this on our own. It's much more than only a bad break up Roni" I said.
"I know..." she said. "I just want you to turn to me when you're not okay. Not a stranger"
"I'll always turn to you Roni, you're my twin" I said and hugged her. We both layed down on my bed and then fell asleep.

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