Date night

645 11 0

(2 weeks later)

Vanessa's pov
"Roni what shoul I wear?" I asked Roni and showed her 2 dresses.
"I don't know" she answered without looking.
"Why aren't you helping me with this?" I asked and sat down beside her on her bed. She looked in her phone for a while and then she looked at me.
"I know I should stay out of this but your my twin sister so I won't." she said and then was quiet for a while. "I don't like that you're going out on a date with someone when you're in love with someone else"
"WAS in love with someone else" I corrected her, knowing it was wrong.
"No, IS" she said. "And I don't like that Isaak boy either"
"What's wrong with him?" I asked.
"He just seemes like an f-boy" She said.
"He's not" I said in a calm voice.
"How do you know?" She asked. I was quiet. I didn't know what to answere.
"I just do" I said and left her room. As I was walking to my room my thoughts started popping in. Is he an f-boy? I would have noticed if he was, wouldn't I? Should I really go on a date with him? Is it only to push away my feelings about Gray? No! I'm a grown women and I can make my own desitions. I won't let Gray ruin my love life!
"Nessa?" Roni shouted from her room.
"Yeah?" I asked as I walked into my room.
"I'm sorry, didn't mean to be angry" she said.
"It's okay, you said what you thought" I said choosing which dress I should take.
"Go for the red one" Roni shouted like if she was reading my thoughts.
"Thank you" I said and grabbed the red dress. I put it on and then began putting on make up and doing my hair. I was done after about 1 and a half hour.
"Roni you can still come with us" I said and walked into her room.
"Nah, Eth's coming over" I said. "And you two should be alone"
"Okay" I said and left her room.
"But don't go home to him Nessa!" She shouted from her room.
"I won't" I said as I walked down the stairs.
When I was down the doorbell rang.
"Hi" I said as I opened the door for Isaak.
"Hey" he said and hugged me. I could hear Roni running down the stairs.
"Oh" she said when she saw that it wasn't Eth.
"Roni this is Isaak" I said. They shaked hands. "Well we're leaving now, so bye" I said and walked out the door. After some secounds I got a text:
Still thinks he's a f-boy

I put away the phone and didn't think about it.

Veronica's pov
"Still thinks he's a f-boy" I said as I wrote it down on my phone.
"Who is?" Eth said as he opened the door.
"Nessa's date" I said and hugged him.
"Oh" he said. "She's already over Gray?"
"No, I think she's out on a date because she still loves Gray" I said letting go of the hug.
"You think she loves him?" He asked.
"Yeah, It's obvious" I said and led Eth into the livingroom.
"Hi Ethan" my mom said as she walked in.
"Hello Mrs Merrell" he said.
"Where's your brother?" She then asked.
"He's still home" Eth said.
"Oh, with Vanessa?" She asked.
"Um mommy, they're not dating anyomore" I said.
"What? But I was already planning the wedding" she said with her not-serious voice. Both me and Eth smiled.
"Okay, I'll leave you now" she said and walked away. I pressed the red button on the remote so the tv was on. I went to the best channel I could find and then I lay my head on Eth's chest.
"I love you" he said. At first I didn't know what to say. I just turned my head to look at him. Then I moved my head closer to his so our lips met.
"I love you too" I said as we pulled away. I put down my head on is chest again and we watched the tv.

Vanessa's pov
"This was fun" I said as I walked beside Isaak on the road outside our house.
"Yeah" he said and stopped me.
"What?" I asked. Then he pulled me in for a kiss but it didn't feel like it did with Gray. This was totally un-passionet. I could feel his thoung trying to feel It's way into my mouth. His hands where far too down on my hips.
"Isaak" I tryed do say. He didn't notice me. "Hey" I said but he didn't stop. "Isaak stop!" I said as his hand was trying to find It's way under my dress. "Isaak!" I shouted.
"What?" He said and finally pulled away. "Isn't this what you want?" I walked away from him fast and into our house. I closed the door while I was crying and walked up to my room.
"Nessa!" I could hear Roni shout as I walked pass her and Eth. I just ignored her. I lay down on my bed and cry into my pillow. After 10 minutes Roni walked in.
"Nessa" she said as she sat down beside me on my bed.
"I'm tierd of it Roni" I said as I turned my head to look at her.
"Tierd of what?" She asked.
"Everything!" I said.
"No, Nessa don't say that. You've just been trough a ruff break up." She said and lay down next to me.
"I'm tierd of always crying, always making your night boring and stopping you from seeing Eth. I'm tierd of always have to fake to our viewers that I'm happy when I'm really not. I'm tierd of always being the twins who can't keep a relationship" I said. Roni layed on her back but had her head so she could look at me. I layed on my stomack but had my head so I could look at her.
"Nessa It'll get better" Roni said.
"Hope so" I said and closed my eyes. I fell asleep.

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