How they met!

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Shelby:*is walking home from school and she has ear buds in and she is listening to music. her eyes are narrowed and it's cold out. she has on skinny jeans and her blue hoodie and she sees Dr. Smiley inside of the woods and she raises her eyebrow* I haven't seen him before...why is he here..?*she thinks* "maybe he's a rapist! O-or maybe a kidnapper!" *she runs down the street pretty fast down the hill*

Smiley:*looks up and he sees Shelby running down and he raises an eyebrow. he sees her trip and she face plants onto the concrete and she skids and rolls and she stops rolling and he winches slightly* smiley:wow that's stupid... *he walks over and Shelby sits up. she sees her glasses and she sees that they broke*
Shelby:fuck..*she sees blood drop onto the glass and she can feel the pain and tears well up in her eyes and she sniffles. she looks around and she sees Smiley*

Smiley: are you alright? Need any assistance? *he holds his hand out to her and she looks at him hand and she hesitates before taking it. blood rolls down her legs and she has a big hole in the knee of her jeans and her knee is scraped up*

Smiley: took a nasty spill huh?

Shelby: y-yeah... listen, thank you for helping me up. I have to go now...*she backs away slowly and she turns around and walks away*

Smiley: Have a good day shelby.

Shelby:*her eyes widen when she herd her name as she turns her head around fast and she feels a sharp pain in her neck and his eyes are dark rose red*

Shelby: "oh dear god I'm gonna die..." *she thinks and she blacks out*

~few hours later~

Shelby:*wakes up and she's in her room and she is cleaned up and all that* I'm home...wait..where the fuck did he- *she turns her head and she sees him sitting in her chair and she inhales deeply and she sits up fast and she grabs the book* Shelby: GET. OUT. OF. MY. ROOM!*she throws the book at him and he catches it. his eyes are narrowed*

Smiley: "hm... a simple "Thank you" would be a nice thing to say. Your guest and your mom let me in."

Shelby: "we could all die...WHY WOULD SHE LET A STRANGER IN OUR HOUSE?! Let alone with a creep!"

Smiley: I told your mom I was a doctor and I am one so yeah there was no need to call anyone your fine...

Shelby:*her eyebrows furrow* "hold on..." *she grabs her phone and she looks through her photos and she finds a picture of him*

Shelby:I knew I've seen you somewhere before you are Dr. Smiley

Smiley: Dr. Smiley. Yeah, I know. Now then, since you know a lot about me *after he says that, he appears on top of her and he is holding a pair of scissors*

Smiley: I'm guessing you should die now because we wouldn't want the police to find out. Now would we?

Shelby:*her eyes widen and she stares at him*

Shelby: what if I worked with you? *he has the scissors raised and he stares at her. his eyes narrow and he bursts out laughing*

Smiley: No.You fangirls are stupid. We would take you in and you'd just die. *he swings the scissors down. Shelby grabs his hand and she holds the scissors away and she growls*

Shelby: I am not joking... *she grunts* and I am not a fangirl...if I work with you, will you leave my family and everyone here alone...

Smiley:..*he stares at her* "hmm..." *he slowly lowers the scissors but keeps them raised a bit*
Smiley: Maybe...*he is still hovering over her and he gets up and she sits up* aren't you gonna run?

Shelby: Yes. I would but I know you would either grab me, yank me back and slit my throat, besides, you had a chance to kill me in my sleep. Yet you didn't...why?

Smiley: people get lonely.. I am lonely and the only real time I have spent with a person is when I kill them. They are scared but you are the first one who hasn't run from me...

Shelby: yeah, because I didn't think you guys where real. Let alone, you guys are scary but you guys were, or are still humans struggling with what everyone is or used to struggle with. But you're killers.

Smiley: deep..anyways work with me and I won't hurt anyone here and let you live. But if you mess up - I will kill you, your friends, family, and whoever else you are in contact with. They won't have any *he holds his hand out and Shelby looks at his hand and she balls up her hand into a fist and she holds it up and he looks at it*

Shelby:punch the rock...

Smiley:*gently punches the rock*okay then... *smirks*

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