Prove yourself worthy

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Masky:*walks up to the man tied up in a chair*hey, wake up fucknut*he slaps him a couple of times and the man slowly starts to wake up and he screams but he has duck tape around his mouth*masky:you with me sunshine? I know, I know you're scared you may uh wet your pants a little... that's understandable. Hoodie:stop toying with your victim and kill him already. Masky:oh alright Bryan let me get right on that..*he hits the guy in the head with a crowbar but the man is still awake*hoodie:I thought I told you not to use my real name masky:*he looks at hoodie*oh you did. I just don't really give a fuck. I've got to say I'm digging that nifty little voice changer you got there "HOODIE"...what did that cost you like 3 bucks? Hoodie:this is exactly why Toby's the masters second in command now masky:excuse me? I think I miss herd you, Maybe you should say it again? Hoodie:Toby took your place, masky deal with it. Your unprofessional your insane and your a lose cannon masky:see, I guess where I missed the part where we are supposed to be shy little pussies! We fucking kill people Bryan you say I'm insane when the both of us have the exact same tab?! Explain to be how that works. Hoodie:we're supposed to be sending a message not rolling around in the joy of killing this is about the masters will not our own gratifications masky:really? Well how about I kick your fucking teeth down your throats and*he runs a finger across his throat*kill you of as well. Huh? What do you think about that? Toby:t-that's enough you act like such a child, Tim. It's no surprise people t-think you are one. Masky:well, if it isn't Mr.Rodgers? Toby:shut up! Y-You know I hate it when you call me that... masky:Yeah, I do! that's what makes it funny! Toby:look, we have w-work t-to d-do masky:t-t-today jr! And slenderman thinks your better suited for this job than me THAN ME! Slender:*appears and they look at him*silence all of you... I've herd more than enough of this petty bickering Toby my child you and hoodie have some work to that needs to be taken care of involving that boy with a smile carved into his face Toby:yes master hoodie:as you wish...*they both walk away*masky:*he looks up at slender*let me guess you have something special for me to do huh? Oh! Do I get to clean up left overs the obedient dogs leave behind? Slender:no you still need to kill that man tied in the chair and after that you can pounder on how much you are really worth because right now I see a little reason to keep you alive to allow you to take another breath after you have pondered you have one more chance to prove yourself worthy to me for you to serve a purpose to me after I'm not convinced after that then you most certainly will die do you understand me Tim... masky:...*is silent*slender:do you understand! Masky:yes "master" slender:good, now finish your job here and get out of my sight...*slender disappears and masky kills the man in the chair and the man screams and then the screams fade to silence*

Creepypasta/ random roleplay's Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ