20 facts about shelby

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(This is an OC but with my name! I will do more about her later on)
1.her favorite tv shows can very from anime or cartoons
2.she is also a very persuasive person but always will be loyal and caring to her friends or her to lover or to her family
3.her eye color can change just like Smiley's but hers are different
4.she is very skinny and lean but has a very good grip like a snake
5.she never had any parents she always lived with her grandparents until she was able to live on her own
6.she is 16 but since she works with slender she will be 18 by now
7.she was born at a very early age but her parents died in a car accident when she was just a baby but wasn't harmed
8.she can die and she's still human but she always carries around a scythe as her weapon of choice and she gets hyper when she drinks sweet tea
9.she has a mask but never uses it
10.she is struggling with depression and anxiety and nightmares kinda like Toby's but she doesn't get scratches on her body but they feel real to her
11.she can be a bookworm at times when she isn't on her phone
12.she isn't a drinker she maybe sipping on wine to make her feel relaxed when she is stressed when she isn't drinking she is sleeping
13.she works with smiley and lives with him but she sometimes loses her way when she is inside of the house
14.smiley's plan was to kill her when he met her but since he was feeling lonely he kept her alive until he knows the time is right to end her life
15.she is scared of the proxies but never shows it because she thinks it would show weakness
16.when she was 5yrs old she stabbed a kid in the eye with a spork in grade school and was in house arrest for 5 months
17.she always bites her nails when she's stressed or the skin on her fingers when the stress or anxiety gets too much
18.smiley is always there to calm Shelby down when she is stressed that's why she is treated a little better than the other proxies just like Toby
19.shelbys friends are smiley, Toby and Herobine but she has a lot more friends who are out of the mansion and the house
20.she always cracks her neck and has muscle spazes when she gets stress or when she doesn't know it no one knows if she has turrets but they do know she has ADHD and sometimes she bites her lip when she is thinking
Fun fact:She also enjoys music to help her think or calm down when she has anxiety attacks and draws she also asks bloody painter to help out with a few drawings if she has trouble with the features or hands etc even though she lives with smiley she listens to slender or slender woman(yes, there is a slender woman) she does enjoy everyone's company when LJ isn't trying to give her candy

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