Another Successful Surgery

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Smiley:*sets the scalpel down and he puts a heart in a jar and he chuckles and his eyes are dark rose red*smiley:another successful surgery...*he looks at the patient then back at the jar and he closes the lid*smiley:what am I going to do with the rest of you, Hmm?*he talks to the body*smiley:surely you'd like to be token to EJ and seedeater. I wouldn't want you to go to waist now do I?*he purrs evilly as he stares at the jar examining it and he looks back at the jar and he hears the door open*shelby:hey smiley I was wondering if you could help me open the jar of pickles...*she looks up from looking at the jar and her voice trails off*shelby:oh, I'm sorry for disturbing you I'll go.. smiley:no it's fine*he says it in an animus tone and she stares at him and he wipes his hands off with the towel and he walks over and he holds his hand out and she hands him the jar and he tries to open the pickle jar and he lets out a low grunt*smiley:how in the world is it so fucking hard to open a pickle jar..!*he continues to try to open it*shelby:I-its okay smiley don't hurt yourself while trying smiley:*he waves his hand*I-it's okay I got it!*he stops for a moment and he looks around and he walks over to where his patient is and he grabs a clean rag and he continues to try to open it and Shelby's eyes narrow and ben floats behind her*ben:Still trying to open the pickle jar? Shelby:mmhm...*shes on her phone and Ben laughs*ben:super glue..Shelby:you're an idiot for doing that Ben...I really wanted a pickle...Ben:you can have my pickle..*he says it in a joking way and smiley turns around fast and he throws the pickle jar at Ben and it flys past his head and it hits the wall and it brakes and his face is white and his eyes are white*ben:o-oh shit...*he squeaks and Shelby's eyes are widen and she looks at smiley and he growls*smiley:we are going to the store and buying a new fucking jar of pickles!*he sounds annoyed and pissed off*shelby:okay then *they go to the store to buy a new jar of pickles and they get back and smiley is holding the bag and his eyes are still dark rose red*smiley:*glares at Ben and he grabs him by the collar of his shirt*ben if you glue this pickle jar again I will shove a shit ton of glue down your throat and make sure that you will choke on it and shove it up your ass and kick you out of here while you are I make myself clear..*he hisses*ben:y-yes..! Smiley:good..*he drops Ben and he runs away and smiley hands the bag to Shelby gently and she grabs it*shelby:thanks smiley:whatever..*he growls lowly without even looking at her and he walks away back into his office*

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