Tic tacs

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Smiley:*walks into a store and he sees a box of Tic tac's and his eyes grow wide and Shelby walks over and he doesn't have his mask on and he just stares at the Tic tac's and Shelby grabs Smiley's wrist and she pulls him along*shelby:come on...you can throw Tic tac's at everyone later for your army we have to get some food...*she has a small cart and they aren't buying much and smiley fallows and she lets go and they get a few things and she walks to the line with her and smiley hums and he waits and he grabs the box of Tic tac's and she looks at smiley and she grabs the bag of food and she stares at him*shelby:if you have money to buy all of those the more power to ya...*she walks away and smiley buys them all and he runs out with a bag of tic tac's and he starts to laugh uncontrollably like an idiot and she looks at him weird*shelby:you really enjoy those things don't you... smiley:of course I do and you don't know the truth on what I am doing with these I am throwing them at people then making army...of them! Shelby:you know what, I am not gonna ask... Smiley:MORE CUTE TIC TACS FOR MY ARMY!!!!*he yells*

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