Chapter 21

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With the masked men, they had eventually reached the arranged meeting point - a large abandoned mansion; they threw the still unconscious musketeers into the basement and chained their wrists to the wall which were bolted together. To celebrate their victory, the masked men sat upstairs in the house whilst having a few drinks, laughing and talking together.

Back out in the wooden lands god knows where, Kayley had a rough and fitful sleep during the night, but as soon as the sun began to rise up, she was woken up. Although she wished to start riding as soon as possible, the girl knew she needed to allow Sam some more time to rest or else he could get injured or ill. So after two restless hours of cleaning and sharpening her dagger and sword, eating some food and nearly going mad with her patience suddenly vanishing, Sam woke up and stood from his place on the floor; his owner fed him some food. Whilst he had been asleep, Kayley had also looked around for some hidden tracks but was unsuccessful; she let out a sound of frustration as she stroked Sam's neck "if I had kidnapped the King's musketeers, where would I take them??" the girl wondered before looking at her horse who was patiently waiting "any ideas bud??". Thank the heavens Sam took a few steps forward before looking back at his owner; Kayley jumped onto his back and held onto the reigns "alright Sam, lead the way" and with that, the galloping commenced. The fourteen year old remained silent, observing her surroundings and staying alert, but she couldn't help but let her mind wander to her brothers - she was so worried for them and hoped they were okay....she prayed they were still alive. Suddenly, Sam seemed to come to a halt and crouch down behind a bush - this pulled the teenager out of her thoughts "what is it Sam??" she wondered before once again looking around; he eyes landed on a large house - possibly a mansion - in front of them onto thirty feet away. Smoke was coming out of the chimney, many horses were tied up around the grounds and she could see figures moving in front of the downstairs windows. "Good eyes Sam" she praised as she stood up and moved from the horses back "wait here bud, stay hidden" and with that, she sneaked through the bushes and trees before creeping up to the house. Kayley knew she needed to find a way of entering the building undetected; she had noticed how a lot of the men that passed the windows wore a certain type of mask - the same mask that she had found just outside the door resting on a wooden rocking chair!! Once it was covering her face, Kayley slowly entered the house, still doing whatever she could to go unseen - the mask was just a back up; the men were scattered around the house and there was around about forty from what Kayley had counted, most drunk off their heads. The teenager had managed to over hear one of them exclaimed how their "boss" was going to extremely pleased with them and that they'd be paid greatly for their success "we've just got to wait two hours and they'll be here with out money". So Kayley had a dead line to meet, did she?? Well then, she better get to work. After all, she had a lot to do.

Down in the basement, the four musketeers had regained consciousness and were still trying to get out of their restraints; they were failing miserably. Suddenly, they heard someone making their way down the stairs that led to the basement before the sound of keys shaking and the lock clicking echoed in the near empty room; they all watched as the door was opened to reveal one of their masked captures. They approached the three and seemed to stop near Athos, about to speak before being cut off as the man they were closest to swung his legs around, forcing them to the floor this a thud and pained groan. "You son of a...." it was a surprise when the voice informed the musketeers that the masked kidnapper was actually female "Athos!!" she hissed out as she sat up, rubbing the back of her head. The four men's eyes widened as they shared a look of surprise and confusion "wait a minute....Kayley?!" Aramis spoke her name as if asking if it was indeed her; the teenager removed the mask "duh!!" she thought that would have been a little bit obvious due to the fact she was wearing a custom made and designed dress!! The teenager pushed herself back up to her feet, rubbing her sore arm as she had landed on it "thank god it's you" D'artagnan smiled as he let out a sigh of relief, the other men agreeing; Kayley raised an amused brow "yeah?? Could have fooled me" she stated as she glanced towards their leader. "You were wearing the same mask that our captures wear" he defended his actions, though he could tell the girl understood and didn't take his actions personally "what did you expect me to think??". Chuckling, Kayley shook her head fondly "come on" she nodded towards the door "let's get out of here" she was expecting the men to jump up, yet they remained stay on the floor "can't" Porthos stated as he and his three brother-in-arms raised their hands up so that she could see the restraints "they chained us to the walls" this information earned a sound of annoyance from the fourteen year old "of course they did". Kidnappers never made anything easy.

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