Let the fun begin

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Hiii~Author here, I'm sorry that I haven't been so active lately! I just graduated ninth grade and I'll start high school soon heheh, I was a bit busy with school^^ But now I'm on my summer vacation and I hope that I'll write lots of stories... well that's that I guess~ enjoy and have a great summer♡

"Let's party!",Serinuma-san yelled out of excitement.

"Don't tell me you're already drunk?" Nana snorted at the girl who wobbled forward to Nishina's door.

"Don't be so annoying, Nana na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Batman!~" she started singing the Batman theme. Igarashi just chuckled.

They had all planned to have a fun little house party at Nishina's place. They would just play games and drink a little. Nothing harmful, nothing bad. Serinuma-san had already gulped down a whole beer at her home to get "them party vibeeees~", as she had said it. She was already drunk. Apparently, she had been able to drink a ton before getting drunk a year back, but now when she was lightweight, she couldn't even handle a single beer.

Nishina opened the door and welcomed them all in. Shinomiya-kun and Mutsumi-senpai were already there, standing in the corner of the kitchen small talking. The lights were dimmed and strong colourful party lights shined over the place.

"It's like a disco!",Serinuma-san exclaimed clapping her hands in enjoyment. Music was quietly playing in the background and Shi and Mu walked up to greet them.

"What do you guys want to do?",Nishina smiled and looked at Serinuma for an answer.

"Oh, oh I know! Let's play a game! Truth or Dare!" Serinuma-san jumped up and down like a little child.

"What about no", Nanashima crossed his arms and muttered. Igarashi hit him with his elbow and gave an apologetic smile to Serinuma. "Aoow!I don't play silly games like that", Nana didn't give up.

"Are you scared to lose? Any secrets you don't want to share? We others can just play while you walk your ass home", Nishina poked Nana's chest.

"Fine", the blonde rolled his eyes while Igarashi just facepalmed.

"Mutsumi-senpai ask truth or dare to someone!" Serinuma handed him a bottle. "Ask the one who the cap hits", she explained.

"Ohh, thank you, I've never played a game like this before", Mutsumi-senpai politely smiled.

"Who would have thought?" Nana sat himself down beside the others who were already sitting in a circle. They all gave him a warning glare (well, except Mutsumi-senpai who just kept smiling politely).

"Put the bottle in the middle and spin it", Nishina smiled gently as a rather confused Mutsumi-senpai spun the bottle. Shinomiya,Nishina,Serinuma,Nanashima,Igarashi,Mutsumi,Shinomiya,Nishina,Serinuma, Nanashima...It kept spinning for quite a long time.

"Nana",Mutsumi-senpai said. "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth?" Nana looked at his senpai. There was no way Mutsumi-senpai had actually not played the game before, he was a goddamn third-grader after all, he probably wanted to trick them with his sweet innocent smile. Playing a fool while planning the most awful dares and truths. Nana stared into Mutsumi-senpais eyes, trying to understand what was hiding behind that sweet smile. He must be evil.


What could the question be? Nana felt it, Mutsumi had planned it all along. He wanted to embarrass Nana in front of them all. He probably was tired of all the sick burns Nana threw at him. It was his revenge. They had all probably gotten together to prank Nana and...

"...your favourite colour?"

Goddamnit Mutsumi!

"Red", Nana exhaled from relief. What had he been thinking? It was Mutsumi-senpai after all. He couldn't hurt a fly even if he wanted to.

"Buuuh, ask something juicier won't you?" Nishina grinned.

"Nope!Nope!Nope!He asked his question! It's my turn to spin", Nana took the bottle and spun it.


Nana thought for a while.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth", Nana evilly smiled at the girl.

"I've always wondered...like why you're here?"

"huh?", Nishina raised her eyebrow with a look that said: "this is my home, you dumbass".

"Are you gay Shima Nishina?" Nana finally asked. Nishina looked down at the floor. Everyone was in awe. They all knew she was a bit touchy with Serinuma-san but could she really be a Lesbian...another competitor? Nishina lifted her gaze off the floor with a smile on her lips.

"Yes, yes I am", she looked directly at Nana. "So no putting your hands on me Nanashima-senpai", she joked with a high pitched voice. Nana jumped back.

"Ewww, like I ever would!" Nana made a disgusted face. Nishina just took the bottle and smiled.

"My turn", Nana was scared.


"I'll be nice, I'll save the bigger ones for later", she laughed. Nana could feel her laugh running down his spine, ready to break it at any moment. She obviously wanted revenge. "Truth or dare?"

"D-dare", Shinomiya stuttered, looking like he just saw a ghost.

"Why so scared? I told you I would be nice", Nishina grabbed a beer and took a sip. So Nana wasn't the only one who was scared of that women. "Call everyone by their first name for the rest of the game", Nishina shrugged.


They usually just called each other by their family names. Shinomiya spun the bottle.


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