A Truth and a Dare

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"Truth or dare?" Shinomiya knew what he would like to ask for truth or have him do for a dare but he couldn't possibly use them...it would be too awkward, just plain wrong.

"I think I'll take truth", Mutsumi-senpai gave him a sweet smile. Shinomiya couldn't help but blush. He wanted to ask it so badly but he couldn't. He really wanted to. He...

"Are you in love with someone?" it slipped. Mutsumi stroked his chin as he was thinking. Shinomiya nervously clasped the fabric of his own shirt as he observed the tall teen.

"I think so", Mutsumi said smiling.

"Who?" Shinomiya needed to know.

"O-o-onlyyy one question each truth!" a drunk Serinuma yelled.

"R-right", Shinomiya muttered. He was too shy to even look up, scared to meet Mutsumi-senpai's eyes. He could only hope that...no it was stupid. Serinuma-san, it was obvious. He always looked at her, took care of her, the only reason he probably hung out with them was because of her. Serinuma, Mutsumi-senpai was in love with Serinuma-san.

"Yo! Shortie,spinn the bottle", Nana yawned.

"Who 'you calling short?!" Shinomiya shouted at the blond sitting infront of him.

"You, shortie", Nana laughed while Shinomiya threw himself at him. They both threw some punches until Mutsumi grabbed Shinomiya and Igarashi grabbed Nanashima. They both glared at each other angrily.

"No need to fight...because you're both short", Iga laughed. Even Mutsumi-senpai let out a little chuckle. The girls were just in trans yelping "UKE!UKE!UKE!". Nana and Shi gave each other a look before throwing themself on Igarashi. They wrestled on the floor. Mutsumi-senpai joined hoping to stop the fighting.

"Aaowww my hair!"

"Shut it blondie"

"don't crush my foot!"

"Guys, could you please just stop?"

"Aow you bit me?!"

"Don't be such a pussy, shortie"

"Nana you're choking me with your body weight!"

"Are you calling me fat?"



They all stopped.

"Ops,I accidentally pushed the flash button", Nishina looked at Serinuma. "I still got some cute pics tho".

"Let's just continue the game", Mutsumi nervously laughed, patting down his newly messed up hair. "And actually, It was my turn, not Shinomiya-kuns", Mu gave Shi a smile. Igarashi not-so-lightly hit Nana on the shoulder hoping that he would apologize. Nope. Nana sat with his arms crossed looking away, ignoring his mistake.


Igarashi sighed in relief, bless, he had gotten a truth/dare from Mutsumi so it couldn't be that bad whatever he would choose.

"I'm gonna go with a dare", Iga felt calm. Mutsumi pointed at something behind Iga.

"Wear that", everyone followed the direction of Mu's finger only to find a pink tutu hanging of the wardrobe.

"What?!" Igarashi couldn't believe it. Nana burst out laughing slapping Igas back. Everyone joined in...well, except Igarashi. "Why do you even have that?!"

"I needed Serinuma to wear it for a drawing", Nishina shrugged. Nana was laying on the floor dying from laughter. Iga gulped.

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