Cats love cream

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Sorry for not updating! But just because so many of you asked me to continue I will, I gotta give this fanfic an end before leaving it. It wouldn't be fair to leave you guys without that fanfic closure we all gotta have you know hehheh. I'm trying to learn how to make edits, I've posted some Kiss him not me ones on my Instagram @Bird.flash, I'd love it if you guys would check my account out^^. Very well, this is just a very short chapter, but the next part will be up in a second so don't worry;)

That's all, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, MERRY CHRISTMAS and have a nice read!

"The beer tastes a bit weird", Shinomiya jerked his head back in disgust and accidentally bumped his head into Mutsumi-senpais chest. "S-sorry!" Mutsumi just smiled in return.

"It's pretty strong", Iga rubbed his throat as he restrained himself from coughing. Nana just looked at the beer, it looked too suspicious, the cans were too pretty. Nishina's and Serinuma's faces weren't any help to disprove his thoughts. Still, he couldn't look like a pussy, he was already pretty drunk so it couldn't get any worse, right? He chugged down the whole can and squeezed it to thinness with one hand.

"Wow, so cool Nanashima!" Serinuma watched him in awe. Nishina took the bottle and spun it. Nana. You won't look so cool for much longer, Nishina snickered.

"You know the drill", Nishina looked at him challengingly. He scuffed."I know exactly what I want to ask you", she wanted him to take a truth? Well, he wasn't going to give her that.

"Dare", he stated proudly for playing the girl. Nishina just smiled. No, no it couldn't be! Reverse psychology, he fell for the oldest trick in the book! The girl had played the cat. Nana had cluelessly walked into the trap. Nishina looked at Serinuma.

"You remember chapter 8 of my newest doujinshi?" she gave Serinuma-san a mischievous look. Serinumas face lit up in excitement. She ran into the kitchen and fetched a bottle of whipped cream. Nana looked in shock. "Cats love cream".

CRAZY!THEY'RE CRAZY! Was all the golden-haired boy could think.

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