Ignore a best friend

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Hi^^ The story is reaching its end and I just want to thank everyone who've read and supported the story! It's a lot of fun just reading your comments, they honestly make my day. I just find myself smiling whenever I read them, so thank you all! If you have any suggestions for future stories be sure to tell me, I don't know what to write after this one hehheh. Hope you have a great weekend!<3

Nishina knew there was something wrong and she feared it was her fault. She had been busy working on a new doujinshi but she felt responsible for the outcome between the boys, even if she didn't exactly know what had happened. She had to talk to Igarashi, getting in touch with Nana would be too difficult. Serinuma was worried and Nishina did not like to see her girl hurt. Shinomiya and Mutsumi had started dating and both Kae and she were thrilled about it but Igarashi hadn't even noticed. He was all up in his head. Serinuma had spent a lot of time with Igarashi lately and claimed that she felt bad for him. Nishina was, of course, jealous as she hadn't gotten a lot of attention from the fujoshi. Getting Iga and Nana together, just solve things between them would only benefit her. Nanashima seemed to get closer with Miyuki-senpai every day so she had to hurry. She had taught Nishina many things when it came to art and were, in general, a very nice girl but right now Nishina couldn't stand her. She was in the way and Nishina knew precisely how she would solve that problem.

Nana was heading to the bathrooms, this was Igarashi's chance. He had to confess no matter what! Iga stalked the blond and sneakily crept behind. Nana finished his business and as soon as he would wash his hands Igarashi would push him into a stall. 




Go! Iga ran out from his hiding and with all his power forced the shorter boy into the closest bathroom stall.

"Shhh...shhh", Nana wouldn't stop hitting him and Igarashi had to cover his mouth to keep him from screaming. Of course, Nana just bit his hand which made him accidentally push the blond back, landing on the toilet seat. "Sorry, I-I didn't mean to!" Igarashi reached out his hand to touch the golden-haired youth but he just smacked it away. Igarashi sadly brought his hand in against his own body and sighed.

"Let me out of here. You can't keep me here", Nanashima hissed.

"Don't you want to be friends again?" Igarashi had to try, his voice sounded insecure and his body language made him look like a wimp.

"No, it's too late for that! Just move!" Nana yelled and rose up. Iga froze, he hadn't realized his mistake was so big. Nana stood still in front of him. Emeralds meeting Amethyst. Faces getting closer and closer, hearts being synced.

Nana pushed him back and walked out of the bathroom, he slammed the door.

"...but I like you", Iga quaked out.

What was that about? Stupid Igarashi couldn't take a hint. Nana didn't need him. Be friends? Like that would ever happen! It was settled, Nanashima would confess to Miyuki. If he did he would finally be able to move on. That would be a sign of accepting the future. He was ready.

The last class of the day just ended and he dragged Miyuki into an empty hallway.

"Nana stop! There's something I-"


"But Nana I really-"

"Just wait a bit dummy"

"There's something I got to tell you, Nana!" he stopped.

"Me too...", Miyuki sighed in defeat and nodded, giving him the sign to start.

"Miyuki, I like you and", the girl looked away and Nana couldn't help but stutter. He couldn't read her reaction, he was so sure she would embrace him excitedly, kiss him on the cheek and whisper the word yes. "I-I'd like you to be my girlfriend?" he was so insecure at this point that his statement sounded more like a vague question. She covered her face with her hands and silently wept. Nana didn't know what to do. He took a step forward to come closer to the girl but she just stepped back. She dried her tears with her sleeve only to show him her swollen face and red eyes. What had he done?

"I want to... but I can't", she sobbed. Miyuki took a deep breath. "I'm changing schools".

"But-... I- ... Since when?" Nana uttered in disbelief. She gave him a sad smile.

"This morning, my mother called me. I've received a spot at Kyushu University, it's the best art school, I shouldn't even be old enough to enter but they've reached out to me after seeing my art in a competition. I'm so sorry..." Nana hugged the girl. Squeezed her tightly.

"Don't be. I'm so happy for you, this is you getting a huge step closer to your dream. I can't take that away from you", he stroke her back while whispering the soothing words. He wasn't upset at all, he was genuinely happy for her. Rather than being sad about the girlfriend part, he was more upset about their friendship reaching its end.

"You're not angry?"

"Of course not, don't worry about it. This is your chance. Miyuki I only want the best for you", she burrowed her face into his chest.

"I really wanted us to be a thing but I appreciate your friendship more. I'm just thankful for getting to know you", Miyuki let out a light chuckle.

"Yeah, I feel the same. When are you going?" he let the girl escape his embrace and looked at her sweet face.

"Today", today? Was their time already over? If he could he would've moved with her, would have stayed by her side.

"And we can't do distance?" he attempted. She shook her head.

"No, it would just hurt us both. We can still be friends can't we?" Nana nodded. "Well please don't ignore me if I call, I wouldn't be able to live without my best friend", Miyuki grabbed his hand and held it for a few seconds. Just squeezing it.

They hugged and said goodbye, promising each other to keep in touch.

And then... she was gone.

He was going to stay in touch with her no matter what. He would never be so rude that he would ignore his best friend. 

Ignore his best friend... 

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