Save it

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Woop woop, new update! What would you like to see happen between the two?;) I'm taking suggestions for future fanfics so leave your ideas in the comments^^

Nishina held her word. She made Nana stand in all different kind of poses, nothing too weird and just used him as an anatomical reference. He got paid in return of the favour even tho she didn't really have to because of the photos. 

Even tho everything was fine in the outside world, Nana was internally freaking out. Igarashi and him, that's crazy. Still, he couldn't stop thinking about it. It was like he had totally forgotten about Serinuma. Igarashi was attractive, he could admit that but from a bro perspective like "yeah that's my bro, he can get any girl he wants". Nana had never thought of him in any other way...or there was that time. Suppressed memories suddenly came back, that time he had actually crushed on Iga in middle school. But as Igarashi had gotten a girlfriend he had just dismissed his feelings as admiration instead of love. Maybe those feelings never actually went away, they had been somewhere hiding in his subconscious all this time. Maybe he had just used Serinuma as a distraction. Maybe he still was in love with... WHAT WAS HE THINKING ABOUT?! This was all the girls' fault, it was probably just a stupid prank. He had always looked up to his friend, even been a tad bit jealous at times but romance-eww! No! Never!

So why couldn't he stop thinking about it?


"Aren't you going to soccer practice today?", Nana treated his friend like he normally would. He had to push his awkward thoughts away. As long as Iga was oblivious everything would be okay.

"No, not today", Igarashi sighed in response.

"Lol, like the song", Nana chuckled. "What are doing instead? You never miss soccer practice. You're not planning to hang out with Serinuma without me?" Nana joked. They kept on walking down the street, each heading home.

"No, it's not that", Iga rolled his eyes.

"Good, 'cuz I wouldn't let you", something was off. Igarashi didn't react the way he usually did which was weird, not that it never happened but it was definitely out of the ordinary.

"I just have to do some things. Study and clean up the place."

"Do you want help?" Nana didn't really have any plans, neither his parents nor his sister were home so why not help his friend? Igarashi just laughed... but it sounded weird.

"Like you know math? I think I'm better off on my own actually. Well, see ya tomorrow", Igarashi turned right at the bus station and Nana continued walking forward.

 Igarashi was so lying, it was so obvious, he was such a bad liar. Igarashi was acting strange but Nana couldn't understand why. But then it hit him. Igarashi turned right at the bus station! Igarashi always turned left, his house was to the left! So why did he turn right? If you walked that way you would end up in the rich neighbourhood... Nishina! Did he know? Had she blackmailed him too? It was too much! Had he seen the photo? Or perhaps he was blackmailed with another thing? But the photo made perfect sense, that's why he was acting so awkward around Nana, wasn't it? Was he disgusted? Did he hate Nana? Nana being all over him on the photo, Nana being all disgusting. Nanashima also had hickeys, did Iga know that? Or did he think Nana was the only one at fault? How was he supposed to interact with his best friend now?! They both knew about it, but Iga didn't know that Nana knew. NISHINA THAT BITCH! Should he call her? Should he call him? He went home without doing anything to solve the situation, it wasn't fair that it was all on him after all.


"Are we finished now?" an exhausted Igarashi asked.

"Yeah that was all, I got some really cute poses to use now, thanks!" , Nishina smiled looking down at the sketches and photos.

"So are you deleting it now?" Igarashi had to ask, he couldn't keep up this thing forever. Nishina thought about it.

"I'll use the photo as reference material but as soon as I'm done with it I'll delete it, all good?" Iga nodded."I mean I've already gotten everything I need from you and Nana so it should be fine now", she shrugged. Shit, It slipped, she cursed under her breath for making such a stupid mistake. What had she done?! She didn't mean for this, she wasn't this cruel of a person. She hadn't even shown the pictures to her beloved Serinuma even if she probably could've traded them for a kiss! Oh no...

"Nana?" , Igarashi was frozen, fists clenched and face looking down.


"Save it."

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