Awkward Talk

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Igarashi's heart was beating, pounding its way out of his chest. Did Nana know as well? And he hadn't said anything?! They were best friends after all, shouldn't they be able to talk through this mistake and come to turns, just chose to forget about it? Of course, it was embarrassing but not talking about it would only harm their friendship. He knew the both of them only wanted one thing and one thing only, and that was to get over and forget about the silly mistake. Igarashi was furious and he knew exactly where he was heading.

Did Nana remember what happened or had he only seen the photo as proof? He walked at a steady pace. Igarashi remembered, every single minute of the evening. It was either pure gold or just embarrassment. He had gotten drunk but not so drunk that he had blacked out like the rest. Yes, he remembered the tutu, the costumes, Nishina's confession. He could have used that one against her blackmailing him but then he would've confirmed that he remembered what he did...and why he did it. He remembered the whipped cream, the first kiss, the second, the third, the whole thing. Sure Nana was cute and all and Iga had liked it but it could never happen. They were two boys and they both liked Serinuma-san.

He had planned to talk about it with Nana after school the day before, but he never got his chance. He had been waiting outside the classroom but instead, Nana had left together with Nishina. He wanted to talk this morning but the shorter boy had been avoiding him, pretending to act normally but failing miserably. Igarashi hadn't thought too much about it at the time but in hindsight, he probably should've. Igarashi had just postponed the talk but Nana, on the other hand, had known about the thing but had probably been too much of a coward to bring it up. Pussy.

"Igarashi?"  Nana opened the door.

"We have to talk", Igarashi invited himself in. Nana hesitatingly took a few steps back in and suggested they would go up to his room. 

The short walk was up the stairs was long enough for both of them to get ready, Nana had picked up the signals and knew what the subject would be. He was calmer than planned. He knew what the deal would be and everything would run more or less smoothly. Igarashi sat down on the bed and Nana placed his desk chair in front of him. "This is somehow less weird than I expected", Igarashi nervously laughed. Nana shrugged and sat down on his chair. "Do you remember Nishina's house party?" Igarashi tone was serious but his attitude was rather laid-back.

"No I-, I remember going there but not what went down", Nana swallowed and looked away for a short second before deciding to meet Igarashi's eyes again. "Well I saw the photo...", Iga sighed.

"Blackmailed", Nana nodded.

"So how come you're here, did Nishina tell you that I knew? Did she show you the photo?" Nana needed to know.

"Nishina accidentally told me that you'd been there too, which was enough for me to get it", Igarashi took a deep breath but struggled to phrase himself. Nana could tell he had a hard time expressing himself, it was a stiff topic after all. "She did show me the photo but she didn't have to", Nana raised an eyebrow. "I already knew, I remember the night", Igarashi looked down in embarrassment and scratched his head, a spasm he usually did when he was nervous. Nana couldn't believe his ears, Iga had known all this time? But what did that mean, why hadn't he reacted or brought it up earlier? " Listen we were drunk, the girls were egging us on, it was neither's fault. Let's just forget about it, shit happens when you're drunk", Igarashi concluded.

"Yeah, that seems right, guess it's just a lesson to tell us we should drink more responsibly huh?"  they both smiled and let out a type of half-laugh. "Why didn't you bring this up earlier?"

"I wanted to! I had to take things in first and then Nishina dragged you away when I was about to, and you sooo avoided me today!"

"I DID NOT! You were the one acting strangely so I gave you space!"

"Strangely? Yeah sure, like you were any better!" they were screaming at each other's faces, inches apart. A sudden silence took over, emerald orbs against amethyst once again. Nana could feel Igarashi's warm breaths brushing against his face. Frozen, time was still, they couldn't move. The clock was ticking and seconds were passing but time was frozen between the two. Those full, glossy lips. Those deep purple eyes that seemed to lead to anywhere. Nana slowly grabbed Igas face, holding his hand around Igas ear, feeling the soft hair. He leaned in, carefully, scared of being pushed away. A peck. Igarashi just looked at him, astonished. Nana looked away, blush covering his cheeks. He stood up and stepped back.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't-..." he stuttered. Looked down at those interesting feet of his and nervously started to walk out of the room. Igarashi stopped him, pushed him up against the wall. They were standing so close it was impossible not to hear the other's heartbeat. Igarashi brushed his lips against the shorter boy's. Hands going all over the place, tracing the other's body. Kisses that swallowed the other's entity. Tongues twisting and swirling in the other's mouth, fighting for dominance. Igarashi ran his hands through Nana's hair, fondling the light locks while locking lips. Nana's fingers were tracing Igarashi's back, stroking and caressing every part of Iga he dared to touch. They didn't even have time to think. Body against body. Heart against heart. They paused, had to catch their breaths, only for Iga to continue after 5 seconds, making his way down Nana's hickey filled throat, kissing and sucking on Nanashimas collarbone. Nana had to bite his lip, he couldn't let a moan escape. Igarashi pressed his teeth down into Nana's skin which made Nana tear up in pain. Nana gulped. Igarashi heard his mistake and kissed the cute boy over and over again. They were back in their fierce make-out session again.

Igarashi stopped. Stepped away and jerked his hand back, he was scared of what he had done. What had they done? Nana looked just as frightened.

"We have to stop. I didn't mean for this-... just forget it. Forget all of it!" Igarashi rushed out of the room leaving a scared and confused Nana behind him.

He hates me was all Nanashima could think.

He hates me was all Igarashi could think.

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