Chapter 2-Alone Time

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"Leave us," He said as I entered the room.

Aiko looked at me waiting for my response and I gave him a small nod. It was just the two of us and the air was heavy with awkwardness. I looked around at the wall of books and stacks of paper on his desk. He grabbed a white flower out of the vase on his desk and stood by the window. I could tell he was observing someone.

"Planning something?" I asked.

He smirked, gently plucking the petals off the flower.

He smirked, gently plucking the petals off the flower

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"I do not have a reason to tell you," He said.

I sighed. Classic Izana, the same person I met at the ball. I had to admit it was rather intriguing. As annoying as it was not being able to see his true personality, I had an urge to find out. I walked towards him to look out the window. I could see the red-haired girl talking to someone with short white hair. I squinted before it hit me. Ahh...Prince Zen. I looked at Izana who was intently gazing at the two. They both seemed to enjoy each other's company. Classic big brother, at least I'm starting to understand some of his coldness. He wants to protect his brother.

"She seems nice," I said trying to break the silence.

"It would look that way," He said turning his eyes towards me.

Our eyes locked and my heart beat faster. His eyes softened from looking at his brother. I wondered who he was as Izana, not Prince Izana. I smiled but he just looked back out the window.

"You'll be staying here for two weeks. I have a room prepared for you. At the end of the two weeks you will be notified if you passed the interview. If not, you return home," He said.

"Got it," I replied.

He seemed annoyed at my informality but it was funny to see the look on his face. I had the sudden motivation to at least try and get to know him. Even if the marriage interview doesn't work out, I can at least get on his good side so if my kingdom should need aide he can offer it.

"Would you like to go for a walk? Get a snack?" I asked.

"If you want to play with the other children they are outside. As for me I have paperwork to do, so you'll have to excuse me."

How rude! I thought. I sucked on my teeth before bowing and leaving.

"How did it go?" Aiko asked me as I shut the door.

"Frustrating," I replied.

"It will get better your highness," He replied in a hush tone.

Aiko followed me around as I wandered the castle. I thought this was a marriage interview, not me being bored out of my mind. I walked back to the garden but it seemed no one was there.

"Aiko please give me some alone time," I said sitting down.

"I will be close by," He said before bowing and leaving.

As much as he annoyed me, Aiko was a good friend. I closed my eyes taking in the smell of the flowers. Suddenly I felt really nervous. It felt like someone was watching me. I opened my eyes but could not see anyone. I looked around and Aiko was standing by a pillar under the shade. No, it wasn't him. Someone's here. I decided to ignore it before closing my eyes again. The feeling would not go away I opened my eyes once again. No one. Suddenly, I could hear the faint rustling of tree branches. I looked up to see a figure sitting in one of the trees. He flew down and landed right in front of me. I was taken back by his actions. I was going to call for Aiko but I could not sense anything immediately threatening.

I examined him. He had golden cat-like eyes. He wore a beige hat with straps along the side. I could see a small danger strapped to his leg.

 I could see a small danger strapped to his leg

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"An assassin?" I asked.

He awkwardly smiled and scratched his head.

"Not anymore. I work here in the palace," He said.

I looked at him in confusion. An assassin working in the castle?

"Who do you work for? What is your name?"

He placed his hand on his chin contemplating what question to answer first.

"My Master told me to keep an eye on you, okay Miss?"

"Miss?" I bursted out laughing.

Who was this guy? He was rather entertaining. He looked at me confused.

"And may I ask who is your master?" I asked still trying to control my laughter.

"Don't worry Miss. I'll keep a good eye on you," He said before winking and leaping away. He was like a jungle cat, pouncing from tree to tree and leaping over walls.

He definitely caught my attention.

"Aiko!" I called out.

Aiko immediately rushed to my side.

"I need you to do background checks on all palace workers. I need to find something," I said.

"All of them?" He questioned.


I started laughing, thinking of the confusion on that boys face. Miss? Who calls people that anymore? Was that part of their customs? I turned around and looked towards the palace. I could see blue eyes looking down at me from a second story window. I knew it was Izana so I decided to wave. I could see a smirk on his face before his figure faded away from the window.

I spent the rest of the day wandering until Aiko shooed me to my room to get ready for dinner. I wasn't sure what to wear but I wanted to throw Izana off. I kept thinking until it hit me. I brought a traditional outfit from home. Since we're always by the water it's a pair of pants and a cropped shirt that showed my belly button. There was a wave pattern all over. We only wore these outfits when we did fish summoning. I held it up and laughed. I want to see his reaction. If I was going to be in this marriage interview, why not have some fun?

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