Chapter 8-Pirate's Life

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(Izana's P.O.V)

She could always see right through me. I don't know why, but I always felt like I needed her around. I needed to know she was near me. I laid back in my chair. I finished writing my letter back to her father of my decision. I would have to travel back to Cordinia with her, meaning I would have to leave Zen in charge. I chuckled, my little brother was something else. Although we hardly spent as much time together as when we were little I enjoyed our conversations. I knew he was always looking up to me and I had to keep up my image not only for the kingdom but for my brother. I had to be someone he would always look up to, even if that meant trying to get rid of that Shirayuki girl. However, she was facing me head on, continuously proving herself.

Suddenly, there was a hard knock on the door.

"Prince Izana," I heard Rain call.

"Come in," I said straightening myself.

"It's really late. You should go to sleep," She said in a soft voice.

I chuckled. "Is that why you came in here?"

"W-Well...yes. A-And I just wanted to say goodnight."

"Goodnight," I smiled.

She smiled before leaving. It was little interactions like that which kept me motivated. She always managed to get my mind off of work. She would make an amazing wife, not to mention her power. I sighed...the main reason I accepted her father's letter for a marriage interview is because of the power she possesses. I could not marry a foreigner, it was not proper, it would make me look bad. Especially since I've always been against Shirayuki and Zen. I could not deny that she captured my attention but I would also have to keep my options open. My visit to Cordinia will help me make up my mind. I need to think of how our alliance would benefit the kingdom.

I straightened the piles of paper on my desk and headed to bed. Just as I was getting ready to fall asleep there was a knock on the door.

 Just as I was getting ready to fall asleep there was a knock on the door

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"Prince Izana..."

"What is it?" I asked as a guard opened the door.

"Your majesty...Princess Rain is missing," He stuttered.

"Missing?" I jolted out of bed, grabbing my sword and heading to her room.

As I approached her room a group of guards stood by the door. Once he saw me, Aiko ran up to me. I could see he fought whoever the intruder was, his clothes were torn and he had splashes of blood on his face and shirt.

"What happened?" I asked as stern as I could, I could not make it obvious that I was worried.

"Two men entered through the balcony and took the princess," Aiko answered.

I looked into the room and could see broken glass on the floor and blood stains on the carpet. I could see a pair of cat eyes. I looked at Zen's messenger before he jumped and disappeared.

"What did the men look like?" I asked.

"Pirates," Aiko answered.

(Rain's P.O,V)

My vision came back as I lifted my head. My head pounded. I could see a man carrying me, running. My arms were bound together behind my back. I was like a fresh fish, knocked out and taken to get sold.

"Who are you?" I asked the man, unable to see his face, only his back.

"Doesn't matter," He answered in a scruffy voice.

"Why did you take me?" I asked, trying to get any kind of information I could.

"I'm sure you can figure that out princess," He responded as we slowed down. The trees behind us turned to road as I assumed we approached the dock.

I wasn't as afraid as I should've been. I honestly was surprised I wasn't kidnapped earlier. When word gets out that there's a foreign princess with powers, assassins pounce on the job opportunities. We boarded a boat and I was tied to a post on deck. All the men laughed as they looked at me.

"We hit the jackpot this time," One said patting his friend on the back.

"You guy's will hit the jackpot when the prince comes and kills you," I said.

"Once we soil you, he might kill you first," A man said slapping me across the face.

I could use my powers and get out of this myself since I was right by the water, but it would take a lot of energy to take all these men out. Plus, since I wasn't married I didn't have a husband to share energy with. I looked back and could see a distant tree rustling. I could see a pair of golden cat eyes and sighed in relief. Obi was watching out for me. I knew once we departed it would be hard for Izana to save me, the least I could do was keep the boat in port. I closed my eyes, blocking out the shouting of the crew. I channeled the sound of the crashing waves and opened my mind to it.

"Hoist the sails! We're on our way men!"

"Hold the boat," I whispered.

At the sound of my voice the water moved smoothly under us. The water drained from under the boat making the water under us too shallow to move. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it for long, but hopefully long enough. I looked back at the tree but Obi was gone. My head started to pound as I continued to hold the water away from the boat. The men lined the railing amazed at what was happening. The captain stormed up to me, glaring me down with his green eyes. I looked into his eyes and was immediately greeted by their familiarity.


  "Hello, my love."   


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