Chapter 11-Worries

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 I looked around trying to figure out where Izana went. Maybe his study? I headed for his study when I heard footsteps following behind me.


I turned to see my brother. His eyes softened, his blue eye glistened and his other eye, a golden brown caught my attention. I had the birthmark like the rest of my family but my brother was special, his right eye was his birthmark.

"Brother Eito..."

He sprung forward wrapping me in a tight hug. His hugs were just like mother's, warm and comfortable. I knew my place was with my family, my brother and sisters. I was beginning to feel the weight of being an outsider. It would be easier if I would have married someone like Hiro, someone from Cordinia. I wondered why father was so set on marrying outside the kingdom, how bad is the state of the kingdom in?

"I missed you," I said as he released me from the hug.

"Missed you too Rae. Everyone at home misses you too. Especially Asuna, she won't shut up about you."

I laughed at the thought of Asuna going on and on. She always loves talking, maybe she likes hearing the sound of her own voice or she just has so many things to say. No matter where we are she never shuts up.

"How is everyone doing? How's Mika?"

At the sound of his wife's name, my brother gave a wide grin.

"She's good, getting bigger everyday," He said looking at me.

"That's rude!"

He just kept staring at me like he was expecting something.

"What?" I asked, not sure what he wanted me to say.

"Are you that absent minded?" Eito asked chuckling.

"Why?! I don't understand why she would be getting bigger..."

Then it hit me.

"She's pregnant?!" I shouted, causing all the guards in the hall to rush towards us thinking something was wrong.

"Haha took you long enough," Eito replied while dismissing the concerned guards.

"Do you know if the child will inherit our powers?" I asked.

Mika is the first foreigner to marry into the royal family. She didn't have any powers nor was she an energy sharer like Hiro. If I married Izana...if we should ever have children, what would their fate be? The whole point of us marrying outside of Cordinia is to uphold our culture, continue our genes. However, by marrying non-magical people there is no guarantee that our powers would get passed on, let alone the birthmark that distinguishes us from everyone else. These thoughts caused me to blank out. As much as I thought it was nice to marry for love, even if that person was an outsider, everything will change. Everything has changed, like Hiro said. We're trying to preserve our culture but in the process our culture is changing.

"Are you okay Rae?" Eito asked. "'re worried?"

"A little bit. I'm worried about the future of Cordinia," I said sitting on the floor, I didn't care how weird it looked to be sitting in the middle of the hallway. Eito sat next to me.

"We're the future of Cordinia. You shouldn't be worried knowing that things are in our power. As long as we make the best decisions for our people we can only be proud."

"Exactly, what if we make a wrong decision? What will happen Eito?"

"We learn from it. That's all you can do."

Eito got up and offered his hand. I hugged in once more.

"I love you brother. Always know I will be here to help you. When Mika can't help you, just call me."

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