Chapter 12-Goodbye

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I'm finally updating this chapter! I'm sorry for the late update because I just got back from the Philippines but I kept receiving comments on this story and I am happy to hear how much you enjoy it!

"So tell me Prince Izana. How do you feel about me?"

"I feel how I'm supposed to feel towards you," He replied.

"What does that mean?" I asked not sure where he was going with this.

"I feel towards you how a Prince should feel about a foreign Princess, I guess you could say curious," He said crossing his arms.

"Curious? So this whole time you were curious about me because I'm foreign. You never wanted to get to know me as a person?!"

"I never said..."

"Oh, no, you've said enough. Thank you Prince Izana for your precious time. I will accompany my brother back to Cordinia tomorrow. I'd rather die than be around such a selfish, manipulative person," I headed for the door but Izana lunged towards me, grabbing my arm.

"You didn't let me finish. I wanted to tell you..."

"I no longer wish to continue this conversation," I said tears forming in my eyes, my hand slowly reaching for the doorknob.


"Princess Rain, remember it. Remember my name, Prince Izana. I hope it ingrains in your memory, the memory of a person you lost because of selfishness," I said unable to hold the tears back anymore.

"What do you not understand!" Izana shouted. "Let me finish!"

I froze from the anger in his voice.


"Shut up and let me finish. The only reason I accepted your father's letter for a marriage interview with you was because I wanted to see your powers. I thought they would be of some use for the kingdom."

"I don't want to hear anymore of this," I said with my back to him.

"You will listen to me. You came here and...and my curiosity for you grew. It became a longing. I wanted you always around, not because of your powers, but because of who you are."

"Izana...even if you have feelings for me, I am a foreign princess. You will not throw away your pride and break custom. Not only that but as much as I have feelings for you I cannot be with you. I cannot be with someone who only saw power especially before getting to know me. Now please, let me go. Goodbye," I said opening the door and walking back to my room.

(Izana POV)

I watched as she slammed the door and faded into the hallway. I immediately ran through the different ways that could have went, what I could have said. As much as I liked her I clung onto my reputation stronger. My stomach began to churn and my head spun. I didn't want to let her go but I knew I could not stop her from leaving. I sat on my desk, digging my elbows on the flat surface. Suddenly, a hard knock interrupted my silence.

"Who is it?"

"It's me Lord brother," Zen said easing the door open.

"What is it?" He stared at me, hands firmly at his side.

"I like Shirayuki and whether or not you approve I want to marry her." My eyes shot up in surprise, followed by a small grin.

"If you know that I do not agree why tell me?"

"You're my brother. I don't need your approval as Prince but I would like your support as a brother. I never want to be apart from her and regardless of my status I will find a way as she will."

"You continue to surprise me little brother. If this is what you choose I will not try to stop you. I will also not stop what others say or what the courts and kingdoms will think, but I will support you as your brother."

"Thank you..."

"Why the sudden courage?"

"Talking to Princess Rain really made me think a lot."

My heart ached at the sound of her name. The name she claimed would ingrain in my memory.

"She told me she is leaving tomorrow."

"What of it?" I asked, annoyed at the subject.

"You're not going to do anything about it?"

"I have no reason to. She doesn't belong here. Now get out I have business to attend to."

Zen left without another word.

(Rains POV)

The Next Day.

I stared at the waves brushing against the side of the ship. I thought of Obi, that time he snuck into my room to check in on me. I thought of Kiki and Mitsuhide, Zen and Shirayuki. I couldn't push away the memory of Izana grabbing me from the water thinking I was drowning. I also couldn't keep from thinking about Hiro. If things had been different I would be married to Hiro and not have to worry about any of this.

"Are you making this choice because it's what you want or you're being stubborn?" Eito asked placing a hand on my shoulder.


"Are you sure you want to leave your friends?" He said pointing out everyone who stood by the dock. Noticing them I couldn't help but cry as they waved. My eyes scanned the group looking for Izana, I wanted him to come. I wanted him to stop me. The ship departed and Izana didn't show...

"Let's go home," I said smiling at Eito, tears still streaming down my face.

It took a week to get back to Cordinia. Once the ship was tied up my brother ran to his wife who stood there waiting. Asuna waved frantically as I stepped off the boat. I looked around, taking in the exotic flowers and low clouds. Shirayuki would like it here.

"Rain..." Dad's voice was soft and he embraced me.

"Thank you for meeting me here father."

"Of course. I was worried when Eito informed me of your decision. If you do not wish to be wed outside the kingdom I will marry you to someone from here."

As much as I appreciated that father was taking into consideration my wishes, marriage was the last thing on my mind. Going to Wistalia I was only worried about myself and my people, but leaving... I was worried about everyone else. I was worried about the amount of work Izana has to do by himself or if Shirayuki remembers to rest every one in a while.

"You say that like you already have someone in mind..."

"Come. We'll discuss this after dinner," Father said smiling.

"You read my mind," I said following him inside.

Once inside the dinning hall I could see a full course meal set up. All my siblings sat at the table along with a familiar head of blonde hair and green eyes...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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