Chapter 10-Brother Issues

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"I-I'm sorry," I said tears forming in my eyes.

Suddenly I felt something wet on my arm. Hiro's knife lowered from my neck. My arm was bloody. I turned to see Hiro collapse to the floor, Obi standing behind him, bloody dagger in hand.

"Hiro!" I shouted bending down next to him.

He looked at me and smiled. His body twitching from the knife wound.

"Don't just stand there! Do something!" I shouted to everyone while grabbing Hiro's hand.

"Rae..." Hiro reached out his hand and touched my cheek.

"You should've stayed Hiro. You shouldn't have left! This would've never happened!"

"I needed to. I chose myself over you and I'm sorry Rae. I have broken my promise to you," He said, holding the ring in his hand.

I took the ring and placed it on his index finger.

"You have fulfilled your promise Hiro. Thank you."

I continued to stay by him until his crew members rushed and took him away. I continued to kneel there, staring at the floor. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Izana. He knelt down next to me, gently draping his jacket over me. Just looking at him made me burst in tears.

"I'm so sorry."

He wiped away my tears with his hand.

"You have a lot to tell me, but it can wait. Come. Let's go home."

Hearing him say "home" made my heart race, but it also made me think of Hiro. Hiro was my past, my old home and Izana who stood in front of me was my future. I thought of Hiro's words. Sometimes you need to cut connections from the past to move forward. Izana picked me up and we headed back to the horses. I could see Obi get on his horse and we made eye contact. I could see the apologetic look in his eyes. I wasn't angry, I knew he was protecting me, but I wasn't going to smile anytime soon. Mitsuhide held out his hand to help me on his horse.

"She's riding with me," Izana said suddenly.


Izana took my hand and helped me onto his horse. I wrapped my arms around him and dug my face into his back, letting my tears continuously stream.  I became lost in thought, was Hiro telling the truth? Was Izana just using me or did he actually care about me? We arrived back to the castle, everyone practically dragging themselves from being so tired.

"Rain!" I heard a familiar voice boom as we walked in.

I turned to see my brother standing there, arms crossed with an angry look on his face.

"Brother...What are you doing here?" I asked walking towards him.

I was really nervous, my brother wouldn't just leave Cordinia for any reason. Maybe he would accompany me and Izana there since Izana would have to see father.

"Father received Prince Izana's letter, I came here to escort you then I find out you were kidnapped?!"

" just happened..."

"She was kidnapped under your protection! What kind of Prince cannot keep proper security?" My brother said staring at Izana.

Izana walked forward and stood next to me.

"It was one of your own who kidnapped her, maybe you should concern yourself with the loyalty of your own people," Izana said.

"This incident had nothing to do with the loyalty of my people," I said turning to Izana.

"Oh? It doesn't? Considering you wanted to let him go and he almost killed you," Izana replied.

"Who is this man that kidnapped you?" My brother asked.

"It was Hiro..." I whispered, looking down.


My brother was silent, thinking about what to say. "That idiot disappears then has the nerve to kidnap you?!"

"As I said..."

"Whether or not it was one of our people, someone who is no longer recognized as a citizen for that matter, my sister was still kidnapped in your kingdom," My brother interrupted.

Izana seemed unconcerned with my brother's words. He seemed unwavered but I could tell he was angry, annoyed and insulted.

"Brother, I will not allow you to insult Prince Izana. By insulting him you are tainting the good nature of the royal family. Father would not support your rudeness," I said looking straight at him.

He sighed, then smiled at my forwardness. "Forgive me Prince Izana," He said bowing. "I am Prince Eito of Cordinia."

"I am honored by your visit

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"I am honored by your visit. If I were notified sooner I would have prepared to receive you," Izana replied.

"No need. My father would like to see you as soon as possible. We will leave tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? So soon?!" I asked.

"There's not much time, you know that..."

Izana looked up at me unsure of what my brother meant. Izana doesn't know that I am in a rush to get married before my birthday. If Izana is only courting me because of my power, once he finds out that as my husband he has to share the burden of my powers, he might leave. It might be good though, I don't want to be with someone who will just use me. Once I tell Izana that will be the ultimate test. Once I tell him of the shared burden it will determine if he stays or goes.

"Come, I will have a room prepared for you," Izana said leading my brother further into the palace. 

"I'm glad you're okay," I heard Obi say behind me.

I turned around and looked at him. Seeing him made me want to cry, I could only think of him over Hiro's body. He killed him. He killed my best friend. I didn't say anything, it seemed like words couldn't come out.

"I'm sorry."

I looked away ignoring his words.

"I'm sorry Rain..."

At the sound of my name I looked back at him. This was the first time he actually used my name, I couldn't help but smile.

"It's okay Obi..."

"I only wanted to protect you," He said scratching his head.

"And you did. Thank you Obi. Please continue to protect me," I said placing a hand on his shoulder.

He placed his hand over mine, surprising me. His touch felt so natural, so relaxing.

"P-Princess...I-I...have to tell you something."

"What is it Obi?" I asked removing my hand from his shoulder.

Before he could say anything Aiko approached me. He immediately bent down on one knee.

"Princess Please forgive me. I was not able to protect you."

"Aiko, get up, you'll get your pants dirty." I said before walking away.

I didn't like people kneeling or lowering themselves in front of me. I was just as much human as them, as equal. Maybe...if I didn't get married and lost my powers, my life would be normal. But then who would I be? Would I still be myself? I headed towards the hall to try and find Izana, I still had to explain a lot to him.

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