Park Jimin; Confused

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Tae and I ended up at the train station, even though my aunt wanted my help painting her living room. The rain was still coming down hard, pounding the cracked path leading to the building.

"Did you do that English paper?" Tae asked, flipping through one of his doodle covered binders from school.

"I think I did? The one with the history of Korea incorporated?" I asked, memory hazy. Tae nodded, a pencil bit between his straight teeth.

"Tae, I think that was due like two weeks ago"

"Oh I know, I just kinda hoped you hadn't done it so I could feel better about myself but that's okay" he nodded and looked back to his book, I don't even think it's his English, I think it is his Korean binder. I scoffed. Typical.

"So what is up with you and the church boy" Tae asked, flicking an eraser at me with a goofy grin.

"Um, nothing, we're just friends" I said,  laying down on the threadbare carpet that covered a small portion of the cold cement floor. Tae laughed, the sound echoing in the enclosed room.

"'Friends' don't stare at each other with lovesick expressions all day" I rolled my eyes.

"I am not lovesick"

"It damn sure looked like it to me"  he paused clearing his throat. "' Oh Jungkookie, I will stare at you as if is my last time, I will memorize all the features of your face before you inevitably reject me because I am a sinful abomination and you are the living embodiment of purity" Tae impersonated dramatically. To be fair he wasn't too far off of what was actually going on in my head but that is besides the point.


Tae ended up leaving shortly after to head into Busan with Hoseok, but I didn't want to go home yet.

The rain had let up leaving a damp and cloudy chill that did nothing for my wet clothes, not to mention that it was starting to get dark.

I was working on my Korean essay on how old bomb shelters in China are being used as residential housing, like a whole second city under the streets of Beijing. But I needed to light one of the many candles, it was getting too dark to see what my pen was doing.

I was about to get up and retrieve one of the stubby half melted candles from by the beanbag when I heard the crunch of gravel.

I was immediately reminded of the last time I faced this feeling, only a little bit ago, after it had rained and it was late at night.

I am begining to see a pattern. Or coincidence. I grabbed my phone off of my lap and turned the flashlight on, aiming it at the floor trying not to get noticed. My heart was thumping in my chest, yet my curiosity was killing me.

I stepped out of the main room and into the open entrance room, buffering me with a crisp breeze. Wet footprints trailed across the smith cement floor, leading down the same stairs as last time with orangey light spilling from where the door at the bottom was left cracked open.

I took a deep breath and made my way down the stairs, knowing what I was doing was probably stupid and would end in me getting sacrificed to Satan or disembodied for a clan of cannibles in the woods.

But they did always say curiosity killed the cat.

"Hello?" I called down the stairs, voice shaky with worry, yet I couldn't seem to stop myself from moving down the steep staircase. I didn't get a response, and was so close to the ajar door that I could hear metallic clinking coming from within. I took a deep breath and pushed the door, the metal structure creaking on its hinges.

The clinking stopped.

"Hel-" my words were taken out of my mouth and lost as my eyes me the expansive area we were occupying.

It was a subway, no doubt about it, the door having been locked nobody would have known about this expansive tunnel system under the small town of Pass. But why was there a subway in such a small town? Who knows, maybe it didn't used to be so small.

I glanced around the circle of light provided by a stubby candle. But nobody was to be seen. I picked the candle up and walked forwards, almost falling into where the tracked were nestled. When I shed light on a wall, a message written in blue spray paint greeted me.

You can have it too now.
You can share my gallery with me Jimin

I stumbled back from the wall. How did they know it was me? How did they know my name? And why would they want to share something they have kept hidden for years with me? A stranger?
But that is when a thought occurred to me.

What if they did know me? Was it Tae? Jungkook? No. Couldn't be, Tae would have told me and Jungkook is to honest.

Who the hell could it be?

I also briefly wondered why they called this rundown subway station a "gallery" but the more I looked the more obvious the reason became.

The cement walls in this area were full, completely stuffed with colourful and beautiful graffiti art. With controversial things like political cartoons, gay rights, and environmental issues all displayed on the wall in a beautiful frenzy of colour, chaos, and thought.


Under the note was a key. It was your everyday key, the kind used for your house or mail box, the only thing that differentiated it from other was the lanyard. It was patterned with Squirtles and Bulbasars. I almost laughed, someone as dark and mysterious as Seagull had such a childish key holder.

I made my way over to a lonely looking duffle bag filled with spray paint and dirty stencils and grabbed a blue, making my way across the tracks where the note was left and painted my response.

Thank you for sharing this with me Seagull, it is beautiful
I look forward to meeting you in person.


Song Rec
On Call by Luhan

Park Jimin; SinnerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang