Park Jimin; Phonecalls

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I was laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling when my phone rang. The soft sound of My old friend Taeyangs voice filling the room. I reached over, fumbling with the device before squinting at the screen to read the caller ID. I was expecting Tae, Taemin, Yoongi, hell even Jungkook wouldn't shock me as much as this name right now.

Eomma Calling...

I blinked for a moment in shock before sliding the bottom of the screen to accept her call.

"Mom?" I asked skeptically, nervously fiddling with a loose thread on my comforter.

"Yes I know, you're probably shocked to hear me" she said, her voice as sharp and crisp as ever, but something in her tone seemed a lot warmer than when we had last spoken over 3 months ago. I gulped.

"I guess you could say that" I said softly, feeling awkward, despite the fact that she was my own flesh and blood. I looked at my messy desk, filled with schoolbooks that provided no purpose anymore. High school was over.

"I was wondering if you were ready to come home" she said briskly. I felt my mouth open lightly in suprise. When I first came to this town I wanted nothing more than to get out. Sickened by all the people and the small scale of it all, but in the 3 months I have been here I have built something. I got some friends like Yoongi, Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehying. I also met Jungkook, the boy I am helplessly head over heals for. I closed my mouth.

"Why? What do you want me back for?" I asked, suspicion starting to cloud my mind, when I left they had seemed quite happy to get rid of me. I heard my mom clear her throat over the line.

"Well, your aunt called me and she seemed a bit suspicious about your activities..." She trailed of, seeming awkward when it came to this parenting thing.

"I'm not on drugs" I dead panned. She sighed in frustration over the line.

"Jimin, honey I don't think this solitude thing is working, she called to tell me you had been hanging out with a boy" oh. So she noticed. I suppose it wasn't that hard to see, in fact it probably would have been blatantly obvious to anyone who bothered to look. I shrugged, forgetting for a moment that she wouldn't be able to see it.

"So?" I said, attempting at nonchalance.

"So, your father and I sent you there so we could cure your disorder, we didn't send you there to fool around with the local boys!" I snorted. "Cure your disorder" my ass.

"Mom it's not exactly something you can cure" I said, laughter still evident in my tone. She just huffed in frustration.

"Your aunt doesn't want you around anymore so you need to come home" I sighed, rubbing at the bridge of my node with my thumb and forefinger.

"I'm a legal adult now, can I just get my own place?" I said, an idea starting to formulate in my head.

"If you have the money you are welcome to, do you not have College soon though?" She said boredly as if she couldn't care less that I was considering leaving.

"No mom, it's university, I got accepted" she didn't even say congratulations.

"I suppose your dad and I could pitch in for the down payment, but after that you are on your own, got it?" I felt my heart leap in my chest, finally something could work out. I smiled, probably the biggest smile that adorned my face in a while.

"Yes mom, I understand, thank you so much!" I heard her scoff over the line.

"I want you back in Busan writhing the next week" and with that the line went dead, but the smile on my face definitely didn't. I opened my contact app and clicked on my favourite contact of them all.

😇Jeon Jungkookie🍪

I clicked call, and the phone rang twice before it was picked up.

"Kookie! I have good news!" I called excitement evident in my tone. But a voice that wasn't Jungkook was heard on the other end.

"Did you hear that son, he's got good news" Mr.Jeon said in a sarcastically and dreadfully cocky tone. I nearly growled in anger over the line.

"I called Jungkook, not you" I said, the smile slipping from my face and mind as if the excitement had never been there at all.

"Jungkook can't come to the phone right now, how about you call another time... Actually how about you don't, I think we would all be better off that way" I heard a groan in the background before speaking, trying to hide the fearful shake in my voice.

"What are you doing to him?" I said lowly, voice quivering lightly. I heard the pastor chuckle, a sound that may have seemed nice and warm to others, but to me sounded cold am heartless.

"It's none of your concern Jimin" he spat angrily before the line went dead and I was just listening to the antagonizing drone of the empty phone call.

I felt worry deep through my body as I thought more about the call that just happened. It was obvious that Pastor Jeon was beating Jungkook, but why?

Than it hit me.

It was my fault.

Earlier today when we bumped into each other on the street I lost my temper, I should have been smarter than to get on his bad side because now Jungkook was taking the beating.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration at myself. I couldn't let Mr Jeon win. What he was doing was wrong and needed to stop.

With that thought in mind I stood up, all precious excitement from the call with my mom gone, instead, replace with a burning anger and need to protect the person I loved.

I grabbed a hoodie and me phone before making my way outside and turning in the direction of the Jeon Household.

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