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I angrily stormed out of my house, ignored the angered, and dare I say, panicked calls of my aunt. I burst through the picket fence gate with more determination than I have had in a very long time. Knowing that Jungkook was being hurt wether physically or mentally sent a scalding pain through my chest. I turned around the corner and was met with the Jeon household, a big stone house with a blossoming and beautiful garden, but it was just a facade for the ugliness that lay within.

I pushed past the slightly intimidating iron gate that ran the perimeter of the elaborate house and made my way up an impeccably cobbled path to the freshly painted wraparound porch and knocked on the slate grey painted door with the silver knocker provided. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, prepping myself for the worst, but when the door swung open I was greeted by a woman in her early forties. She had straight black hair in a bob and was wearing an apron with a towel sticking out of her pocket, the smell of fresh baked goods wafting out of the open doorway.

"M-Mrs Jeon?" I asked hesitantly, suddenly unsure of my decision to come here. Her dark eyes sized me up before responding.

"Are you Park Jimin?" She asked, her pretty eyes narrowing in disgust, and despite her pretty wrapping she now seemed just as ugly as the rest. I nodded, sureness seeping into my veins, her criticism having lit a fire inside me.

"Yes" I said simply "is Jungkook there?" I asked attempting to peek around her uninviting form at the doorway.

"No he is at the church" she lied, shifting more into the doorway obscuring my view into there immaculately decorated house. I pulled back, a blank look overtaking my features.

"Mrs. Jeon, you must know out of all people that lying is a sin" and with that I pushed past her barely resisting form in the doorway. I faintly heard her scream something at me, but it was difficult to hear over the blood pounding angrily in my ears. But for some reason one tiny sound was able to pass through, a small, barely audible yelp, like a puppy being kicked. I followed it as if it was a lifeline because who knew, maybe it was.

It came from a door, a white, pristinely painted door to my left so I swung it open to reveal stairs leading downwards into a basement. I took a deep breath and prepared to make a run down the stairs to where I was sure Jungkook and his father were when I heard a slapping noise. My blood boiled at the sound of it, Mr Jeon must have slapped him and with that thought I propelled myself into the basement to be graced with a sight I wasn't mentally prepare to see.

Junkook was crouched on the ground, head in his hands, his shirt was missing and his back was bloodied, and there, beside him was the pastor, the man everyone looked up to, a supposedly holy man, with a belt dangling from his left hand.

"You son of a bitch" I growled angrily as he took notice of me, his narrow, time wrinkled eyes going wide at the sight of me. Jungkook said nothing, just looked at me with hopeless eyes.

"Who let you in?" He said angrily, eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"I did" I said, sneaking another glacé and Jungkook, my heart breaking a little at the way he looked, broken on the ground like a shattered vase, ruined, but beautiful nonetheless.

"Get out, you're trespassing"

"And you're abusing your child" With that I walked over to Jungkook and tried to get him to stand up, avoiding touching his back in any way, but he was moaning in protest, having difficulty moving without pain.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Mr Jeon roared angrily, storming in our direction. I quickly pulled out my phone and dialled Taes number, not considering the police, they were too far away and the sherif of Pass wouldn't do shit.

I did my best to get Jungkook moving but he was so... Broken. Not just his bodies, his eyes looked like shattered glass and his posture was that of someone who had given up. 

"Kookie... We've got to go..." I whispered softly but urgently. "I can get you our of here... Forever" I said, crouching down to his position on the floor, completely forgetting about the menacing threat that loomed over our heads just a few feet away. His eyes rose from the floor and met mine, I was expecting a small spark of determination at the least, but all I got was the same broken eyes as before.

"There is no running away from this Jimin..." Jungkook broke off, his shattered eyes filling with water. I felt my heart beat sadly in my chest at the remnants of a boy in front of me. He was just a kid and hadn't lived his life nearly as well as he should have. I wanted to be the one to show him what that is like. What it's like to go out with your friends at night, what it's like to play video game until the sun rises, to take him to a karaoke bar and get drunk, I want to ride the last bus of the night with him, to dip our feet into the water that lines Busan.

With that in mind I pulled him off the ground, trying my best to be gentle. I slung his arm around my shoulder and walked away. Up the stairs and out the door to wear Tae was waiting for us. I faintly noticed it was Yoongis Rolls Royce and not Taes beat up red station wagon but ignored that and the fervet screaming from the Jeon Household and packed both Jungkook and I into the back seat.
Now on route to Busan.


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