Park Jimin; Yoongi

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Anonymous POV
I cannot stop wandering.

Jimins POV
"Yoongi?" I paused, shocked to see the soft spoken male so deep into the supposedly secret subway system. "What are you doing down here?" He laughed softly, a deep tenor that seemed to resonate for a couple moments in the dark tunnel.

"I wish I could say I was doing something exciting like investigating a murder or something, but I am just walking around" He paused, squinting tightly in the brightness of my flashlight. "How about you?" He asked with a perfectly plucked raised brow. I debated the harm in telling him the truth, but he already knew of the subway so I found no harm.

"Do you know the station?" He nodded, shadow bouncing on the tiled wall behind him. "I came from the basement there, decided to explore a bit." I said, gesturing to the way I came from in the darkness.

"How did you get there? That door is always locked, even from the inside" he claimed knowledgeably. As if he had years of experience in these tunnels, and maybe he did with that pale skin of his.

"Someone gave it to me" I said vaguely, not wanting to give anything away about Seagulls identity even though I didn't know it myself. But Yoongi was persistent and would not let the topic drop.

"Who was it. Was it Jungkook?" My eyes narrowed. Why the hell would he jump to the conclusion that it was Kookie. Jungkook had nothing to do with this.

"What?! No! It was some guy- or girl I guess, they are going by the name Seagull" I said grumpily. Not really mad, but somewhat offended that he brought look into this conversation.

A softening look if understanding crossed the blondes face.

"Ah, I see" was all he said, leaving me slightly infuriated and confused.


Yoongi and I ended up walking back towards the station and the gallery that lay under it. Yoongi kept making small talk about his dog Holly and his current obsession with writing and composing music. Even though that was impressive and all I couldn't get Seagull out of my mind. And what Yoongi knew about him but wasn't telling me. It was obvious by his reaction that he knew something about this Seagull that I didn't. I wouldn't be shocked if he did know something though, being a tunnel dweller and all.

But why did he say Jungkook?

In school he and Kookie never talk to each other, never interact with each other, hell, they don't even look at each other. So why would his name be the first off his lips?

By the time we made it to the art covered walls of the Station I had deemed the situation irrelevant no matter how much this information was tickling the back of my brain.

"Jimin do you have a thing for Jungkook?" Yoongi asked solemnly, eyes darting everywhere around the dank room except my face. I spluttered, having no idea where the topic came from. "I mean it's no secret that you're gay and you and Jungkook seem to be around each other a lot so-"

"So you jump to the conclusion that I'm fucking the pastors son?" (Didn't sound like a half bad idea) Yoongi backtracked.

"No! No! I didn't mean like that, I meant like- you know, having feelings?" He said awkwardly scratching at his bleached hair. I nodded in the dim lighting.

"Yeah, I guess so. Why?" Yoongi frantically shook his head. I couldn't help but compare it to how a dog looks when drying itself off.

"No reason!" He claimed "I was just wondering" he finished in a much softer tone I was beginning to wonder if he had feelings for the kid. Poor guy, to awkward to even look at him or talk to him. I reached over and pat his frail shoulder.

"Don't worry, you will get over it. Or you could just talk to him. He isn't as scary as he looks" I said reassuringly with what I hoped to be an encouraging smile.

"What are you- I don't have a crush on Jungkook!" He said offended. Now confusion took over my face.

"Than what was-"

"Oh my god you're an idiot" he said with a humourless laugh. "Goodbye Jimin" he said disappearing through the ajar door leading up to the station, leaving me alone with the art, darkness and the soft spoken words.

"What did I do?"


By the time I got home it was dark, signalling that I had been in the tunnels for multiple hours. My aunt was in the kitchen when I entered the white painted house.

"Your friend came over" She said, not bothering the take her nose out of the home decor magazine she was reading.

"Which one?" She ripped her eyes away from the glossy pages to send me a look that appeared to say 'you have more than one?'.

"The pastors boy, Jungkook"

"Did he say why he dropped by?" I asked, curious as to what the extremely hungover boy would want with me. She shrugged, directing her attention back to the home pictures in her magazine.

"Just the he wanted to see you, I told him you were out, he thanked me and left, that is it. Would you leave me alone now?" She said, impatience beginning to stain her nasally tone.

"Okay thank you. I will go now" I did a small bow and scurried up the stairs to get to my room as an unknown feeling began to creep into my chest.

Even though it's only been a day I can already feel the affects of missing Jungkook.

I flopped on my bed, opened up my phone and unmediated went to my photos app to click on an album I had called Beauty. It was literally full of candid shots I had taken of Jungkook in all of our time together. The first dating back to the night we spent together in the Mill. It was a picture of him on a thick and old wooden table slumped against the dusty stone wall. His eyes were closed, dark and long eyelashes brushing his cheekbones delicately. His plump lips were parted slightly exposing his bunny teeth under neath them.

This picture was taken the first time I ever realized that Kookie was beautiful.

Ahhhhh I almost missed my update! Don't worry guys I gotchu

Song Rec
Shangri la by VIXX

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