Park Jimin; Cautious

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Anonymous POV

Maybe even I can be beautiful.

Jimins POV

I finally ended up getting myself ready. I threw on a pair of black ripped jeans, combat boots and an oversized white tee. I also filled every hole in my ears with earrings. Which totalled to 9. And a variety if rings adorned my fingers too. I tried to convince Kookie to wear some but he said it made him look like a pimp. I laughed at that.

We were headed over to the station so that Yoongi, the only one of us with a drivers licence could pick us up. His family was pretty wealthy so he actually ended up pulling in with a fucking Rolls Royce. I thought only James Bond owned that car, guess I was wrong.

The only issue we came across was that there were only 5 seats in the car and 7 of us. But Tae volunteered to sit in Hobi's lap, and Jin agreed to do the same with Namjoon. Huh, I didn't know that they were a thing.


I was stuck in the middle seat cramped between glorious thighs (what a thought) and loud squared. At one point in the drive Tae leaned over.

"Damn I didn't know Kookie cleaned up so well" I nodded in agreement and Tae giggled.

"Bro you are totally whipped for Kook" I looked at Jungkooks face. Well at least what I could see of it, as it was angled towards the window. How the moonlight carved into his face and acknowledged that Tae had a point.


The city is always so lively at night, I'm tempted to say even more so than during the day. There is a different air, a different light and it was something tangible, something you could very certainly get high off of. Something our haphazard group of friends was already tipsy on.

"Jimin" a timid voice spoke from beside me. I looked over to see Jungkook looking at me with those doe eyes of his, enhanced by his smokey eyeliner.

"Yeah?" He smiled up at me. A genuine bunny smile that made my heart skip a few beats.

"Thank you so much Hyung"  He said, eyes crinkling at the corners in a adorable eye smile. I smiled back. A genuine full face smile.

"It was my pleasure" We were begining to trail behind the other five, but neither of us seemed to mind.

"No, seriously, I would have never ended up doing all these things without you. So thank you." He said, a bit more serious this time making my smile drop at the different tone he took.

"Seriously it's no problem" I said with a small smile before gesturing for us to catch up to the group who was starting to take notice of our absence through the means of a few stolen glances in our direction.


The club was dim and full of bodies and loud music. It was exactly what it took to get the adrenaline pumping in my veins. I turned to check on Jungkook, not sure how he would react to this situation. But his mouth was open in awe, eyes darting around the foggy room in amazement.

"You guys want anything?" Namjoon called out to Jungkook and I who were still lagging a bit behind. I asked for a martini, and Jungkook, of course asked for iced tea. Innocent little shit.

"Jiminie?" I turned to Jungkook. "Do you know how to dance?" He asked with a smirk. A smirk I had never seen before which sent warmth shooting through me.

"I-I uh, well yeah, I took hip hop up until grade 9, so I'm okay I guess" I said awkwardly, still not over the wicked curl of his lips.

"Really? Same, not hip hop though. My mom enrolled me in ballet." He said with a frown on his face. "Hip hop would have been way cooler" I shrugged.

"Both can be cool, it really just depends on how you execute it I guess." Jungkook nodded in agreement just before Namjoon and Jin arrived delivering our drinks. Jungkook must've been thirsty because when he received the glass he downed the entire thing in mere moments.

"Damn Kook, you might want to slow it down" Joon said with a snicker. It was then that I knew what they had done. That probably wasn't iced tea at all. "Do you want another though? looks like you need it" Jungkook grinned and nodded and with that Namjoon and Jin were off again. Jungkook turned to me. Eyes a bit more glazed than before, a new light behind them. And I couldn't help but think it was alcohol induced.

"Jiminieeee let's dance!" He yelled over the pounding base as he grabbed my hand before proceeding to drag me into the throng of pulsing bodies to be lost in the beat. I quickly downed my drink and set it on a table before following. 

Jungkooks move were smooth and graceful even though by this point he had ingested four of those spiked iced teas. I had only two drinks and was still sober for the most part. So when Jungkook started getting touchy with his dancing I was shocked to say the least. It started with his hands gliding over my shoulders, then down my arms to finally settle on my hips, pulling me flush against his warm, slightly sweaty body. I gasped as we collided, a little too turned on to be comfortable.

"K-Kookie?" Jungkook looked up at me from where his face was buried in my neck. A smile on his face. Innocent as ever.

"Yes Jimin?" His hands were still splayed on my back. His body was still pressed into mine, his face was a hairs breadth away. So close I could smell the sweet alcohol on his breath.

"Let's go sit down, we have been dancing for a while" I said. As much as I would like to keep dancing, to have Jungkook glide all over me with the graceful arms and fingers I didn't want him to do anything that he would regret in the morning.

"Okay Jiminie, I was starting to get tired too" he slurred happily.

God this kid.


Song Rec
Goodbye by 2NE1

Park Jimin; SinnerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora