Park Jimin; Confrontation

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I went home that night, my mind feeling a bit less troubled, but for some reason my heart felt heavy. Jungkook eyes on the outside sparkled with mirth and practiced happiness as we talked, but deeper, hidden there under the surface was something empty, hollow, and I could hear the echo of the vast space in the way he talked, way he went off about his past.

The walk home was peaceful, the stars were out and a warm breeze lifted the bangs off my forehead. My steps echoed softly around the empty street, the distant sound of a dog barking ricochetting into my head. It was the times like these when I felt best, when I felt like nothing else in the world mattered, but I knew once I got back to my aunts house, my serenity would sizzle and evaporate, like drops of water on a hot skillet.


I was just turning the corner to arrive at my house when I stopped dead in my tracks, my heart actually stuttering to a pause at the sight that greeted me.

Pastor Jeon was standing at the door.

What was he doing? Did he somehow figure out about his son and I's relationship? Was it possible he was here for me? Or was it just a friendly, church related visit?

God I hope it was, neither Jungkook or I had the capacity to deal with him right now.

I was about to turn and walk away, to wait until he was gone to return, but before I got the chance to disappear around the corner he had turned, his aged eyes meeting mine cooly.

"Ah, are you Park Jimin?" He said rather loudly since I was still about 30 metres away from him. I just nodded, not being able to find myself able to speak around the nervous lump in my throat. The pastor then began to walk down the front steps, past the white picket fence in my direction.

For the first time since arriving in the small town of Pass, I was terrified.

And then he was in front of me.

"Mr Park," he was so close I could smell his peppermint breath. "I have gotten notice that you have been hanging around my son" I gulped deeply.

"That is correct sir" I said, the formal words feeling awkward and foreign on my tounge.

"Is it also correct" he started "that you are a homosexual" he spat, like it was something bitter that needed to be off his tounge. I grit my teeth in irritation.

"That is correct" I managed to mumble through my clenched jaw. Pastor Jeons eyes narrowed, his thick, greying eyebrows almost coming together completely on his forehead.

"I don't want faggots hanging around my son. He is too good for your kind." He said calmly, though to me it still sounded like a hurricane.

"My "kind" sir, I would debate, is too good for yours" I said, my anger coming to the eye of its storm, the deadly calm. Pastor Jeon just smiled a cocky smile that made me want to punch his perfect teeth.

"Well than, I guess you will have no problem staying away from Jungkook" with that he brushed past me as I mumbled under my breath.

"I never said Jungkook was one of you" I muttered. Though the second the words had left my mouth I realized the huge mistake I had made.

"What did you say?" Pastor Jeon asked angrily, though if I heard correctly, it sounds like there was a lilting tremor to his tone. I gulped.

"N-nothing sir" within a second the middle aged man was in my face, his visage red with anger.

"You liar!" He spat, literally, a bit of spittle landed under my eye. I wiped it away in disgust. "That is not what you said! Lying is a sin which will lead you straight to hell! But you deserve it you fag. All the sins you have commit in your life are probably way to many to be forgiven!" He ranted angrily, causing me to flinch, his words pouring salt in some recently healed wounds for me. He was now speaking of the Ten Commandments, listing off rules that I had probably broken.

"Do to others as you would have done to yourself" I said quietly, having lost a lot of my fighting energy to the hateful words he had shoved down my throat.

"What did you say?"

"Do to others as you would have done to yourself!" I said, that small flicker of anger reigniting again after I thought of all the cruel things he had done to The boy I loved. "Would you like to be beat?! Would you like to be oppressed?! Would you like it if your parents never cared about you?! Would you like it if you were verbally, mentally, and physically abused by your parents from a young age?!" I paused to take a breath and take in the look on his face, hoping to find something like regret, or fear, but all I found was the cold, angry mask I had begun to get used to. But after a moment I saw it slip into shock. And I hopped on the sign of weakness, of a change of heart.

"I didn't think so" I said, hostility still dripping off my words. After I spoke I pushed past him and went into my aunts house to find her face glues to the front window.

"J-Jimin! You can't just yell at Pastor Jeon like that!" She nearly screamed at me, I just gave her my blankest look and forged my way upstairs to lock myself away for the rest of the night. The fight with pastor Jeon had been exhausting, mentally and emotionally, but I definitely think it was worth it, even though I let a few confidential things slip, I hope he has a change of heart. It is what I need most in the world, but Jungkook needs it more than I do.

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