Dear Readers

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Please listen to the music until the lyrics starts! Also if you finish reading before the song end please let it end before you leave.

Sorry that I'm not updating that often. Reasons are:
1. Friends party
2. Homework
3. Cat died
4. Most important!
I'm going through the 'lazy-author-just-wanna-read-fanfiction' faze. I bet everyone went through it once. If you didn't get it yet you will get it sooner or later!

Also the winner is Gaara/Panda! But Naru will still go to the leaf. Must. Not. Spoil! Sorry I can't help it I must spoil!

The spoiler Starts Here!
The spoiler :

-Shikamaru will find Naru.

-He will be brother figure for her.

-Acamaru(sp?) Will love her.

-Will do wave ark after a very long time skip.

-Will obviously see Gaara.

-Accidentally kiss him!

The Spoiler Ends Here!

Good news though, I will probably update sometime next week, if not the week after, ok?

I'll try to make it longer then my others as a apologie!

Also at the leaf I'll try to make Naru more like Naruto. Her fake name will be Kurako Kuzuraki! Believe it!

If you were wondering Kurako came from Kurama exept I replaced ma with ko to make it a girl name.

And Kuzuraki came from Kurama and Uzumaki. The first 2 letters came from Kurama the next 2 came from Uzumaki so on so forth.

See ya minna! 😁

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