Chapter two - Reunited

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We've stand there for probably ten minutes. I'm just a little smaller as Liam so we were pretty comfortable in the hug.

I let go as I hear a soft sob. "Liam?" I whisper. I can't see his eyes trough his black ray-ban's but a tear rolls down his cheek.

I rub the tear away with my thumb. "Don't cry babe," I smile. "We're together now.

"I missed you so bad!" Liam calls and raises me off the ground. He wraps his now strong arms around me.

"Damn it Liam! You really worked out!" I laugh, squeezing his arm.

"Yea," he yawns, "Jarv." He yawns again.

I chuckle. "Lets just go. You're really tired." I walk back to grab my suitcase and bag.

Liam grabs the suitcase out of my hand. "I'll drag it." He says, wrapping his arm around me.

"I can just drag it myself. I already recovered, you know that." I sigh.

I had a small car accident a few months ago. I was driving to my job, at the coffee shop. I just drove my usual route but suddenly a car didn't see the stop sign and hit my car.

Luckily I only had a concussion and a bruised muscle in my bag. I don't know how but I wasn't allowed to drag things, included a bag, so I had a small suitcase with me to school. I thought people would laugh at me but they didn't. Instead, a lot of people use a small suitcase by now!

"I'm just still really sorry I couldn't be there when you needed me!" Liam sighs.

"It's okay," I try not to sigh. "It wasn't too bad."

"It was Emma!" Liam stops walking. "You couldn't walk for three days! You weren't allowed to drag bags and still you did! I should've been there to drag them for you!"

Okay it was a bit worse than just a bruised muscle in my back I also had two bruised ribs and that hurt so bad I couldn't walk and wasn't allowed to walk because it had to heal.

"You're here now. Let's forget about that now and just enjoy the time we actually are together!" I try to smile.

"Yes, you're right." We start walking again.

"Do you recommend an hotel?" I ask as we step in Liam's rental car.

"Oh no Em, I bought us a room. You're not staying alone in a hotel. This is America." Liam says as he starts his car.

"I can't let you pay my room!" I frown. "I'll pay the half."

"It's okay Em. Now I finally have a chance to pay you back for everything." Liam says, driving out of the parking lot.

Back in time when was Liam still in school I paid for a concert. He didn't have the money and I wanted him to go. It was his fave singer but he wouldn't let me buy the tickets. So I bought it as a birthday present so he couldn't pay it back.

And I bought him new swimwear when we went to the beach with school. He didn't got new ones since eight grade and he wouldn't go because he was ashamed of his pants so I bought him new ones.

"Those were just small things." I rub his arm to comfort him, I know he's feeling bad right now.

"Than stay with me because I've missed you." He says, smiling.

I chuckle, I missed him too. "Is Sophia okay with that?" I ask, just to be sure. But I know Liam will let me, if she is or not.

"Guess so." He shrugs. I frown at him and he takes his eye a second from the way. "We got in a fight."

"Again!" I try not to sigh. It's the fifth time this week! And she doesn't even sleep near him. I look at Liam who sadly concentrates on the car in front of him.

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