The Chosen One, Has Arrived 1

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Hundreds of years ago, cats lived in peace. Enjoying the seasonal changes and enjoying others company, loving to know everyone. A battle has been released, fighting over whose leader and fighting over spilled blood. One side, the Killer-blood's with they're leader Blood declares that dark loves blood and there's no change in that. He wants to drink all the blood that's been spilled and will rule the forest. He wanted power. The other side, Silverpelt's with they're leader Star declares that Blood shall not rule the forest and make the cats suffer. Battle has been going on for years until one day, the most deadly battle started, both Blood and Star have died, along with many others. The secret spirit's Holy and Blood, has been released and withhold by Star and Blood to pass on to a special cat much later. The Killer-bloods and the Silverpelts decided to build a border between them, they split the territory in half, each getting an equal share and build a huge wall between them. They each had peace and got new leaders, until the new leader of the Killer-blood's didn't want to except anything from the Silverpelt's and destroyed their own land, making it look more like the Darkdeath, and destroying peace, crossing the borders. War is now between them, fighting to keep the balance even. Each day is a new Silverstar warrior, and each day is a new Darkdeath warrior. The balance has been restored for now, only to find hundreds of later, that they were planning for a major attack, and to take over the world with no hesitates.

Hundreds of Years later

The moon has risen, shinning bright in the sky. It was quiet and peaceful, the wind rustling in the trees, the five legions of the Silverstar's where running across the grass swiftly towards the wall. Lots of cats where running with a silver cat with grey stripes and black ears, tail, and paws in the lead. A white cat with a brown chest was running closest to him. The cats got near the wall and disappeared into the bushes, there eye's glowing brightly. More eyes can be seen from across them in more bushes, they waited. The silver and black cat flicked his grey ear and the cats came pouring out of the bushes. The cats from the other side came out of the bushes and where running at each other, claws unsheathed. A battle has begun, fur was flying everywhere and massive amounts of blood was spilled. A battle has begun. The white cat with a brown chest jumped out of nowhere and pinned a dark brown cat to the ground. His black marking on his shoulder of the Training legion shining in the moonlight making it more visible.

"Scar! How dare you cross the border! Your thirst for blood and power will NEVER come true!" The white and brown male cat spat at him, his light blue eyes flashing with anger.

"But in this battle, we WILL win. And YOU WILL bow down to us or meet your death!" Scar, the dark brown tom hissed at him.

"WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER!! I will not allow you to bring demons into this world!" He yelled at Scar.

"Are you sure about that, brother?" Scar spat and smiled.

A female cat screeched loud, the white and brown cat recognized the voice and looked behind him. A cream colored cat with black ear tips and toes was pinned to the ground, bleeding heavy from a wound on her stomach. A black cat was pinning her to the ground, trying to bite her neck. The white and brown cat's light blue eyes widened and he jumped off Scar and ran at them. He slashed his claws across the evil cat's face and he flew off the female cat. She stood up fast, her cream pelt soaked with blood. Looking at her husband in shock.

"Flower! Are you alright!?" The white and brown cat asked her worriedly.

She said nothing, her eyes wide with shock and tears started trickling down her face. She looked down at her small, swollen stomach full with kits. She looked back up at her husband, Jayson. Her purple eyes full of doubt.

"Jayson, I think... I think... I-I killed them. I just killed my kits!" Flower yowled panicked.

"... I told you, you shouldn't have joined this battle!" Jayson told her.

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