Battle Has Begun 2

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Winterspirit ran through the town, lots of citizens where dying, loosing their lives. She kept running, looking around for Paws of Protection cats fighting. She couldn't see any legion fighting, Winterspirit looked down a road and stopped dead. A squad of Town Watchers where laying on the ground dead, the ones who alert the citizens and the legions. Winterspirit saw a walky-talky on the ground, a Killer-blood leaped at her from above. Winterspirit jumped forward, slid across the ground on her stomach leaving a trace of blood and scooped up the walky-talky in her paw. There was three buttons and a scroll, Winterspirit didn't know how to work it, she pushed the big button on the top and it screeched.

"Commander Elmo here. This better not be another prank Seige." A male cat said through the walky-talky.

"Dead! Help us! No soldiers and Killer-bloods have invaded! Half of the citizens are dead!" Winterspirit shouted in the machine.

"Woh, slow down! You're not Seige, what's going on!?" Elmo shouted.

"Because I'm not! Killer-blood's! Help us! Bef-" Winterspirit shouted and got cut off.

A white pelt Killer-blood smacked the walky-talky out of Winterspirit's paw and threw it to the ground. She flipped Winterspirit over on her back and raked her claws down Winterspirit's stomach making two wounds. Winterspirit yowled and instinctively unsheathed her claws and slashed her white paw across the side of her neck. She picked up Winterspirit and threw her across the clearing, she landed in her back. The female cat jumped on Winterspirit and pinned her to the ground, she raised her paw in the air to make a death blow. Something inside of Winterspirit made her snap.

Winterspirit's emotions where mixed up, she felt strange, angry, but alive at the same time. Winterspirit had many flash backs of the past, some way before she was even born and few about future life. Flash backs of how the war all started, the battles, lots of Paws of Protection cats including herself. Something inside told her to do something and fight back and defend what's right. She awoke her inner-self, she snapped, she will no longer hold her will to fight inside. She won't let the Killer-blood's take over the world, she will no longer hold herself back and be controlled. She will defend this world, with no regrets.

Winterspirit broke out in rage, she looked at the female Killer-cat and clawed her back leg. The cat yowled and jumped back, Winterspirit stood up fast on her paws and clawed her down her face across her eyes. She closed her eyes and screeched, Winterspirit saw and ran off towards a citizen cat. His grey pelt was ruffled and he was surrounded by three Killer-blood's. Winterspirit jumped at a light brown cat and bit its ear and pulled his head to the ground, he stumbled back weakly. Winterspirit jumped at a bright orange cat and landed on its back sinking her claws in his shoulders. He jumped up and tried bucking her off, she jumped off him and slashed the other brown and black, cat's face, across the nose and eye. It yowled, Winterspirit looked back and the grey citizen cat was gone.

Almost all of the citizen cats where dead and more Killer-bloods are invading. Winterspirit looked around, she saw a stack of crates next to a house, and she ran over to it and jumped on a crate. She heard more and more cats yowling. She started to climb up the crates and jumped on a roof of a house. A loud hiss was sounded below, Winterspirit looked down and it was the same dark brown cat with many scars. He was looking forward with his ears flat on his head and his teeth bared, Winterspirit looked forward and saw the whole legion of Paws of Protection cats running in the small town.

The dark brown cat yowled loud signaling his army. Winterspirit bared her teeth and jumped off of the house, when the Paws of Protection cats arrived Winterspirit landed on the cat's back and sank her claws in his skin. He let out a horrifying screech and started throwing himself around trying to buck her off. Winterspirit bit his ear and wouldn't let go, the leader of the Killer-blood's growled and slammed his body against the house. Winterspirit almost fell off but still hanged on, clawing his back.

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