The Secret Protector, Omens 3

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The sun has risen shining brightly into the den. Winterspirit's dyed-white pelt looking duller, Winterspirit was starting to wake up. She opens her eyes and yawns, she stands up still a little sore from the attack the day before. She walks over to the hollow log to get her mask, she ties it over her eyes and walks out of her den. She sits down in the grass and looks down at her paws.

"Oh Silverstar, what am I going to do." Winterspirit said silently.

The wind blew blowing her dyed fur forward. A grey shadow appeared in a bush, Winterspirit bent over and a tear trickled down her face. Strong wind blew in her face blowing her tears away, Winterspirit opened her eyes and looked forward at a light grey kit slightly bigger than her looking at her.

"W-What are you doing here?" Winterspirit asked stuttering.

The kit ran off into the bushes swiftly.

"Hey! Wait!!" Winterspirit shouted and ran after the kit.

Winterspirit saw the kit standing on a rock, its emerald green eyes glowing. The kit jumped down and continued running, Winterspirit ran after the kit, they ran through wet dirt leaving one set of paws. They ran towards the river, the kit leaps in the water landing on a sand-bar. The kit jumped onto a log that was stuck on a sand-bar. Winterspirit stopped at the river and then did the same. She looked at the kit, a strong wind blew behind her, the same way as the water current was going. The log dipped down and started floating, Winterspirit looked back and saw the log left the sand-bar and was floating down the river. She looked back at the kit, frightened. The log hit a rock and jerked, Winterspirit bristled her fur and stuck her claws into the log. The kit rolled her eyes, Winterspirit looked down embarrassed and sheathed her claws. She rested her fur down and looked into the kit's gleaming eyes.

"Why did you bring me here?" Winterspirit asked.

The kit said nothing but looked into the water only to see the bottom. She looked back at Winterspirit.

"W-Why are you silent? What's going on?" Winterspirit asked again.

The kit only turned around and looked forward, a large patch of trees was in front of them. Winterspirit looked at the tree's only to see the top of the forest, Winterspirit flattened her ears and looked down at the log rumbling. She looked forward and realized that a water fall was awaiting for them. Winterspirit started to panic and her fur bristled. The mysterious kit sat down and looked a Winterspirit, Winterspirit looked back at here.

"T-This was meant to happen!?" Winterspirit asked.

"Where-Where going to die!" Winterspirit yowled.

The kit put her paw on Winterspirit's right paw. The kit's eyes looked like the night sky of Silverstar, her pelt glowed. The kit soon faded away, and Winterspirit looked around.

"Wait! Wait! Where are yo-" Winterspirit shouted and started to scream.

The log and she went over the water fall, screaming as she's falling. She lands in the water head first getting a mouth full of water. She swam up, she gasped for air and spitted the water out of her mouth. The kit appeared in front of her floating. Winterspirit looked up at her, the white dye washing off her pelt. The kit flicked her ear and walked away from her. Winterspirit watched the kit walk in floating air, the kit stopped at the edge of the water and signaled Winterspirit to come with her head. Winterspirit swam towards her, she got out of the water dripping wet. She shook herself to get most of the water off, the kit began to run away again. Winterspirit ran after her, the kit ran faster and disappeared deeper into the trees. Winterspirit caught up to her panting, the kit was sitting on the ground.

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